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I beat Shadowkeep and we move on to Beyond Light.
Sound Alerts in new streams will be either muted or quieter. I appreciate everyone’s patience.
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Edited by Ruby:
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first like, first comment, first in chat on the day you went live and did this. w content bro keep it up!
Stasis is dope
Loving the live streams, for sure worth the Sub on Twitch!
Hurray a video to keep my sanity with during my shift XD
It's wild to not see someone spam the heavy sword attack against Crota. XD
Great game man
Lightfall makes Shadowkeep look like a masterpiece lol.
Bro you still have tried any exotic except sunshot lol.
Lol you figured out the current dps meta HEAVY GLS. And Onslaught and vangaurd ops drop some really nice ones too. As well as you can focuse to have the edge transit to "just drop" only in Onslaught when talking g to Vavala.
Oh yeah you were asking if people still ran just 1 element subclasses over prismatic and yes they do. Prismatic isnt the end all be all. It offers a lot of customization and utility but it does not let you access everything. Certain abilities you can only get on the single element subclasses and some of them are really good and actually warrant single element subclasses over prismatic. Also some elemental perks work better on single element subclasses. The draw of prismatic is being a jack of all trades and being able to craft toward your own playstyle. I would say single element subclasses have their purpose as does prismatic and they are equally usable it all comes down to how you want to play the game
I promise destiny 2 didn't always have cringe dialogue. There was a "fight for the soul of Bungie" things changed after that they/them took over 🌈
If shadow keep was not that bad… then the rest of the game will be amazing for you. Shadowkeep is the weakest of the expansions in thr game in terms of gameplay and story.
Scorn don't teleport they go invisible and run about. Vex are the ones that teleport.
Having fun is what really matters. I love seeing it.
Bro quicc plays like a god damn baboon . He genuinely fails at simple tasks or if something requires commons sense ,it requires his veiwers to tell him what to do. Even when the game tells him things his blind ass doesnt see the giant damn text on his screen. I NEED to see and laugh at him plaaying deep stone lol
Shadow keep was indeed that bad but luckily the rest of the story the entire game was much better and bigger
Hates teleporting. Quietly laughing until he meets overloads.
The nova at Ghaul. 😂😂
Dude didn't even notice his ghost got possessed
Titan master race
Void hunters are the best, bow void arrows/void blades gives invisibility their are exotic armor that extends the duration and or boost Void arrows.
i want Eris to be hunter vanguard
not sure if someone has said this already but kills in the air when you have heat rises aspect equipped give you melee energy
Ok. Started watching and I'm very amused. I've played all of destiny. All of it and it's nice to see someone learn this ain't a bad game. How the game feels, none can compare. Story… Yeah that still leaves a lot to be desired but the lore is nuts. I can't wait to see you get into dungeons and raids. That's what you want to play. And GMs but more so raids
As far as class, a destiny player mains 1 but plays all. Variety is nice
Don’t know if you will see this and don’t know how good your chat is at giving context to stuff but for the -final mission all the final bosses at the end were big bads of the past
-this expansion is kinda labeled as mid/bad by most of the community is pretty much due to this one word reskin
-most bosses and literally the whole planet were from d1 or from early d2
-reasons this expansion was doodoo cheeks was because bungie had just split from activision so they lost funding and help from I believe 2 other studios
Shadowkeep was actually good.. the voice acting was sooooooo underrated.
i love how he says: that dude is getting the balls lmfaoo nova bomb is so fun
Please put the destiny music back without adding music pleaaaaase
The sheer amount of censoring Ruby had to do for this video 😭😭
for the love of god ads . just right click
22:50 is the funniest nova bomb whiff ive ever seen
when he said, “I’m not good at this game and I never will be which is why I like warlock because I have a healing rift” i felt that in my bones 😭
I’ve been playing this game since 2014 and I just learned right now that those red nightmare balls are immunity breakers 🤯
good thing I always picked them up 😅 I was always like, “I don’t know what these do, but I probably should pick them up”