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0:00 – Intro
0:27 – Loadout
01:01 – Begining part before Phalanx Echo
04:35 – Phalanx Echo (First Encounter)
12:37 – Wasteland
16:07 – Cube Room (Second Encounter)
24:12 – Second Wasteland
25:05 – Sparrow Part (Deadsea)
29:25 – Kell Echo (Final Encounter)
51:09 – The end
Warlock version:
Titan version:
Could you possibly use gillotine instead of the rocket launcher for kell echo?
I think it may just be me, but when I see people like this run Prophecy the way you do, you've got my respect man. I'm only 1260, and even this is hard for me. I know light doesn't matter, but as a hunter main myself, it's very difficult. Keep up the good work bro!
i don’t have the warmind cell mods you do… any suggestions other than using ikelols? or should i still use it with global reach only?
I did it solo right few days after I watched this video, I got the triumph, but I cant find it tho, any idea?
Thanks for the video. I will try it out. I think that after buff of Rocket Launchers it would be easier to kill final boss.
32:26 His heart must have been like 💥
Could you possibly do I solo pit of Herisey as a hunter?
Currently trying to grind for that Emblem. Practiced getting through the first encounter. Getting through the Cube room is my next goal. Watching this gives me hope at the end of the tunnel. Should see some more views on this video has I analyze what to do over and over again.
Bruh, I do it “perfect” 2 times and the fucking game crash in the cube room, the platforms don’t change, literally two times in a roll I can’t continue because the game crashed 🙂
I got to the second encounter and when i was elevating to the next room the mobs killed me… fucking bullshit.
You can’t be on controller to turn that fast. Am I wrong?
See, i'd run warmind cells, but Banshee's ass doesn't want me to have the mods. Gonna have to wait a decade just to get all of them
Thank you good sir
Its crazy you don't have a ton of subs
awesome thanks, was a bit more painful with only 80 recov and 50 mob but managed in the end, great vid
On the sparrow part where you used your sword, why did you charge before swinging? Is that a lament specific thing or is it with all swords?
I don’t have neither witherhoard nor xenophage, any recommendations?
Ive been trying so hard to solo flawless prophecy but on the second encounter it doesnt teleport me to the next room and i have to re do it does any 1 know why?
Updated Version Here:
how the fuck do I get light motes
im still waiting for a video with someone using star eaters, im too scared to try it
Double banking motes for the phalanx helps reduce risk and shorten the encounter.