How to easily fix every Vendor Refresh problem (Bungie Please..) | Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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We have a goldmine of Destiny weapons that could fix every Vendor Refresh problem, so Bungie please..
#Destiny2 #BeyondLight
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49 thoughts on “How to easily fix every Vendor Refresh problem (Bungie Please..) | Destiny 2 Beyond Light”

  1. Excuse but aint you the vocal minoritie right now? You claim that the vocal minoritie are upset by recicled weapons but you are abusing your position as content creator by claiming wich side is the vocal minoritie

  2. Also i just recently transferred my account to PC. The Account that had paid for The base game, Forsaken, and Shadowkeep on xbox. NOW when I purchased Beyond light on the same account it is telling me I need to REBUY the forsaken and shadowkeep campaigns for an account that already has weapons, exotics, and quests completed for the two…

  3. I dont see why games have to bring back old memorable loot. Its cool and all but shouldn't they make new stuff that's memorable instead of just banking on nostalgia?

  4. You know I've only wanted 1 weapon to come over from d1 and they still haven't done it which is no land beyond. They keep bringing back dogshit hand cannons aka all 3 exotic hand cannons from d1

  5. Bungie had better be putting in some serious work on D3 ( if it is really happens). I love D2 but there are some locations that need updating. I really hope that we get some exciting new planets or at least Get Venus back. I agree that bringing back regular D1 weapons and exotic weapons and armor. We want to play, give us what we want to play with in the game.

  6. Holy f.. Is there a Destiny movie? Or just cgi cinematic i’ve forgotten all about? Cool
    He is so right. D1 pvp were for me much more enjoyable, played much more, got insane super feeds and always on top of my game, mvp. playing all kinds of weapon varieties… but now, fuck, sometimes i go weeks not even considering it. Studying meta shifts constantly? can’t play what i want at times because balance is gone, everything is TTK and meta that i cannot counter just with superior skills alone. Exploitations are the norm. Don’t like it.

    Stasis is cool. But when hunter tether killed any super in it’s tracks i already knew i’m not jumping on this. Shredding my kd, cancelling my hard earned supers. Now i’m waiting for stasis nerfs overall before jumping on pvp. U know it’s coming, Bungie always do this to sell and then nerf it, bump it, nerf it. All publicity is good publicity. All d2 hysteria could be avoided if everyone knew that and perhaps had iq over room temp.
    Personally i now agree with sunsetting and stasis is a good edition. As nova main, i personally are looking forward to perhaps D1 original novabomb build and nodes. 1 sub out of every class are redundant and boring

  7. I’d rather bungie add new memorable weapons. I don’t want destiny 2 to be a destiny one reskin. At that point, what was the point of destiny 2? Destiny needs unique things that make it enjoyable, not just weapons that remind us of better days

  8. I recently just got into the end game and I’m already out of things to do, the only thing I can do is try to get to 1260 but I can’t do that after I’ve gotten all my pinnacles

  9. The problem that I have with the vendors right now is how I can get a piece of open world armor as a crucible reward I shouldn't be getting vanguard armor from a crucible engram I should be getting crucible armor and weapons.

  10. I also think that the token system in Destiny 2 should go away I think that they should bring back reputation from Destiny 1 because it was more rewardful and you are actually will get powerful gear from it unlike you just saving up 2,000 tokens and then spending it all and half of the loot is just underneath your power level and you don't want to use it also having like new monarchy and dead orbit and future war called back they didn't have to get rid of the factions completely they could have just had the destiny one faction system instead of faction wars.

  11. Those names hit me like a bus and there are so many more you could add (ironwreath-D, hopscotch pilgrim, efrideets spear, Diluvian, no land beyond, wormwood etc). I would love to see even an annual refresh with old and new weapons if they had some interesting perk combos like the BA weapons but for the love of the traveller iron banner need a refresh desperately. Cool dive you did at the end into the guts of content creation and monetisation. Best of luck man

  12. At this point of d2 there's only a handful of weapons that are "meta" and there isn't a counter most of the time but the thing about d1 was there was so many weapons you could counter other weapons with i get that people are gonna cry about them reusing guns but idc i just wanna go through the grind of playlist specific loot trying to land godrolls


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