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Plunder was bad
0:00 The moon is better than Neomuna
0:24 Crucible at the start of Beyond Light was the most fun for F2P
0:58 The Dreaming City should have been vaulted
1:37 Eververse isn’t as bad as other games
2:42 Eager Edge wasn’t nerfed enough
3:00 Reprise old missions as nightfalls
3:29 Everything will be okay
3:39 Beyond Light was Destiny 2’s best year
4:02 Destiny will survive TFS
5:38 Sweet Business is God Tier
5:58 Sunsetting was necessary
7:03 Season of Plunder was a good season
8:54 Citan Rampart should work on Bubble
9:12 The Community is a bigger problem than most want to admit
9:48 Shadowkeep was a good DLC – Ending
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Me and my friends did a yapping session going over y’all’s hot takes. That session will be broken up into two videos. If y’all do enjoy or have your own hot takes let us know, and we can do another part.
Sunsetting hurt the new player experience for understanding story and plot. For real. I came in with beyond light. If I didnt have a friend that played since year one I would still be lost. Also not really explaining game modes ect, you are required to have at least one friend that plays destiny to even get to the point to start to enjoy things. They depend too much on the community being kind to new lights.
I wish Well and Shatter skating wasn't discovered
Golden Gun should be a 1 shot headshot and 2 shots to the body
I’m going to keep saying this: Lightfall was a good expansion and people are whining too much
the lightfall expansion's destination shouldve been the terraformed pyramid
Hot Take: Destiny 1 is better than Destiny 2 because it's cheaper and has a complete story.
3:54 Just like Lightfall. The seasons of lightfall have been great. Like come on – Avalon, Deep Dive, Ghosts of the Deep, Altars of Summoning, Savathun's Spire, Imbaru Engine, The Coil, Warlord's Ruin
1st: I kinda agree.
2nd: This is insane talk BUT remove stasis and the cheaters and it was the best meta. Which is funny since we had basically infinite special ammo.
3rd: nah.
I was going to type up my opinions on the rest of them but literally no one cares.
EDIT: wait 12th: Huh? What was good about that season aside from arc 3.0? The season launched with major bugs literally could not use arc 3.0 in end game content because of the resilience bug which made it unusable for day 1 KF.
Risk of Rain 2 music 🗣️🗣️
I am still more upset that Cerberus +1 hasn't been directly buffed by Bungie in 1k days even though sidearms and smgs got buffs
Unironically, I enjoyed ketchcrash a LOT. It was definitely a point for Plunder. The treasure hunts though? Those were ASS.
Well-skate and shatter skate should be fixed
Hot take: despite season 8 was bad. The Vex incursion on the Moon actually felt real and im sad that its gone.
Damn those are some real hot takes!
I discovered Destiny 2 during Season of Plunder and it was GREAT! Loved every second of it😎
If we are only counting paid content for seasons, Arrivals is not a good season
Possible hot take: Team Scorched is by far the best gamemode Crucible has to offer. (No I am not biased shh)
the whole "destiny will survive tfs" is honestly debatable, it survived the other expansion because there's still more to come and people are still willing to give it a chance but TFS is the end of the saga, it carries more weight than the other expansion and if not done right it can be the downfall of the game.
Heres one: Destiny's Toxic casual community is worse than any elitist
Fun in this game should be buffed, DLC prices should be nerfed and Eververse, Battle Passes and Season Passes should be vaulted