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EPIC FALLEN MODS in Destiny 2! Get Them BEFORE They’re Gone! Fallen Armaments, Fallen Repurposing, Fallen Invigoration & Fallen Barrier, Best PVE Mods, Beyond Light Prep & More!
Taken Mods:
Hive Mods:
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#Destiny2 #Fallen #Mods
Beach by MBB
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library
Music: Rev – Eveningland
Support by RFM – NCM:
Frigid Tomb – Michael Salvatori, Skye Lewin, Josh Mosser, Michael Sechrist, Rotem Moav – Destiny 2: Beyond Light Original Soundtrack
Deep Stone Lullaby – Michael Salvatori, Skye Lewin, Josh Mosser, Michael Sechrist, Rotem Moav – Destiny 2: Beyond Light Original Soundtrack
Not long now until Beyond Light and Septembers major DLC. Scourge is being moved to the DCV, so make sure to grab these BEFORE they're gone! Good luck and let me know how you get on down below! <3
while I managed to only get fallen arnaments from the chest, which is probably the only one I'll probably use on a class item, issue is you have to have the specific armor to run those fallen mods (etc, last wish armor, scourge of the past armor etc). I won't be able to use the powerful mods like lucent blade if I run those mods on my armor pieces.
I never thought about it being the Fallen, will need these mods. Thanks Jarv. Cheers.
you expect me to find five blueberries each week to ride a sparrow without dying? lol
But you can only equip these mods to certain equipment, such equipment is being sunseted
Edit: in other words you'll have a strong mod on a 1060 equip with no means to increase power level…
I despise Raids. But thanks for the video regardless.
Makes sense, but with sunsetting, all armor that the mods will work in will be sunset and wont be usable in the expansion, only exception being the last wish armor which can get taken mods and fallen mods, and unlike last wish where you can get the bonus chests solo, this requires a raid group.
Jarv, aren't the armor getting sunset? So, these mods will not be usable in the armor that come next season, or any armor that has pinnacle powercap of the next season.
I’m banking on all new stuff in the new dlc.
Can’t use them unless your using forge or SOTP armor tho what’s the point??
Jarv you’re literally a underrated YouTuber. You’re videos always help me man.
Read that these mods won't work with new armor. It would be nice if someone could confirm it.
You have 11 weeks to get these mod 11 try’s on 1 character 33 for all 3 so eyes up guardian and good luck
I got some of the mods just killing stuff solo when armour pieces drop. Just dismantle them if they have a mod on them
Raids should not be the only way to get the mods.
Keep in mind that in order to slot in these mods you will need armor from this raid or Last Wish, so keep armor sets from those raids!
Scurtch of the past is not going to be gone in beyond light
I thought you cant equip.these mods on newer armour items as they're the previous season stuff? Just like you need LW armour for.the mods? Or is it going to be use these mods or with lw armour and sacrifice season 12 mods
This raid will be around in the fall sir you know that right? It's not going anywhere.
Looking at the new updated armors on the mods do not work.
Tbh i don’t really have friends that ever did raid with me T-T and i am a Console Player
when menagerie gives more loot than trials 🤦🏽♂️
This is all well and good but without a raid it it’s impossible
Only thing is you wont be able to infuse the armor that equips these mods to light above 1060
This would be helpful if players didn’t already know these existed
No raids, so no. I can see them showing up in pool for sale or drop at some point in future.
Been running this 3 times a week for ages now and finally got one last week
its guaranteed EACH grenade you throw (if you get multi kills with a grenade it doesnt give more heavy ammo)
They took reward limits off some things, does that apply to the sparrow section? To the final boss?
Does anyone know if you have to be alive at the end of the sparrow section to get the mod? I died and got a piece or armor, but i never opened the chest myself. Did i miss the opportunity?
Is sparrow chest farmable?
Scourge isn't being vaulted so lucky if rng isn't in your favor you will still be able to obtain them.
Can u get hive barrier and armaments from the menagerie?