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Top 10 Exotic Weapons & Armor for Season of the Lost! (Destiny 2)
30% off GFUEL with code "Ehroar" ends tonight! Order Now! (link automatically applies my code)
To add to the Cloudstrike becoming better, I believe you are also going to be able to add the new auto-loading mods for snipers, which means you can double up on autoloading there and never stop shooting. My guess the setup is going to be double sniper holster mods w/ auto-loading + Full Court Interference.
Honestly dawn chorus is way too risky to be good in high end content, you must get right in front of the boss or the target melee it then use your super. In master nf and higher its suicide…
Starfire protocol on bottom tree dawn
Two ranged abilities for killing enemies and start those chains, instead of needing to be up close and personal, that will also immediately refresh your rift which can be used to charge more grenades with emp rift.
Emp rift also becomes more valid on bottom tree due to the existence of phoenix dive being a supplement for healing rift.
I'm really surprised you didn't mention Contraverse Hold seeing as Handheld Super Nova is getting a massive buff in PVE. I see myself using that more than Nez next season (but also because I have Nez fatigue on void builds; it's been on me ever since I came back to D2) & it's about that time for oppressive darkness to roll back around in the rotation. I think they're going to be nuts.
You left out Severance Enclosure on middle tree Sunbreaker. If you pair it with the elemental well mod, explosions create solar wells, and the picking up a solar well causes 10 secs of healing, along with the mod finishing an opponent creates two arc Elemental wells and finally the mod picking up an arc well buffs your next melee significantly. You can play into Severance Enclosure melee explosions and finisher causes explosions very well and also get a budget Wormgod caress for simply doing that. You can spam grenades and the throwing hammer. Wells everywhere.
I realize the exotic itself wasn't buffed, however with the buff to middle tree Sunbreaker, you can use the Hammer/severance explosions more consistently.
Heir apparent will get a 20% damage buff, will have a DPS similar to Xenophage but much more add clear (and a shield!)
honestly devils ruin:
cause ammo was always a struggle and now u can just spam the fuck out of it
Shoutout to Ticuu's, infinite ammo benefits it a ton, plus we have overload bow again
3:13 That knight really just said "No"
Xur is selling a Raiden Flux right now! He's in the tower get it before reset!
If skyburner's oath got a buff, I'd pair it with heat rises and just float around and rain hell fire down on everyone
Wormgod Caress with 5x burning fists + bottom tree striker melee + one two punch = one hit kill on Lost Sectors bosses 🤣 its so much fun
I wonder if verity’a brow will work with stasis weapons, it’s starting to get annoying that the best exotics work for light subclasses only
i saw you flying around on nessus in patrol yesterday
Osmosis with the Verity's Brow will work now
What about Thunderlord could be really good with Machine gun buff tomorrow
Mantle of Battle Harmony + Stasis weapons is going to be my go to next season 🙂
What about necrotic grip with bottom tree solar on warlock? The burn and the poison working together should be very lethal
Bad juju is the biggest fucking lol gun is horrible
Looking forward to the nova warp buff. Dunno if ill go contraverse hold with the new pool of light mods or nazarak sin with telesto
Why are you shooting this movie before the changes ???
Stop trying to make sleeper simulant happen. It's not going to happen
bro fighting lion is getting a massive nerf
OI, keep your code up till October, cuz i already have enough Gfuel that i only need to order some again at October
I think your previous build with Mantle of Battle Harmony and elemental well mods could be huge for Vex Mytho
Still dont have vex catalyst since i dont have a raid group. I only got vex because i kept using lfg for vog. Im not sure i want to lfg a vex catalyst run, will the catalyst be absolutely necessary?
I'm not expecting it to be anywhere near as powerful as I hope, but I'm really excited to see how good Sturm, Drang, and the PvE buffed Lucky Pants will combine. At the very least it will make a silly fun time for strikes or other low power content.
Please Bungo, #make1kgreatagain
My favorite D2 tuber by a landslide, welcome back <3.
Bungie please revert the matching element veritys change thanks 🙂
Keep in mind that while vex will most certainly be cracked next season, it wont be doing as much damage as ehroar calculted in his vex video. Chris Proctor explained the gun isn’t getting a 40% buff to its overall damage in pve, but rather the existing pve damage bonus (which all guns have to differentiate their output in pve vs pvp) is being increased by 40% So don’t be disappointed or confused when its not as much of an absolute damage monster as expected.
I think you’re leaving out Precious Scars, my guy. The new rework makes it like you constantly have warlock devour proc’d. Take a sword that matches your subclass type and you will infinitely heal yourself.
I really hope Monte Carlo receives some love sometime next season, could use a buff in some way.
First of all WE need some Armor with stasis stats and some stasis Armor
Second and Last of all
A Showcase of the exotic's would have been amazing
I Hope tomorrow will be overflowed with Joy🥰
Arbalest where?
Ima try gravaton forfeit with bottom tree tether
Where my space Ninja's!!!!????? Lament and omi for the win!!! #hunterlife
Yo random question ehroar, but what shader do you use 🤔
Chants "TRINITY GHOUL. TRINITY GHOUL. TRINITY GHOUL". I hope he says trinity ghoul
Disappointed spectral didn’t get a PvE damage buff and whisper, acrius and tarrabah weren’t touched.