RIDICULOUS SUPER RECHARGE RATE! Solar Titan Build in Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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Basically, Ashen Wake is pretty ridiculous for both grenades and super recharge rate… WHO KNEW (everyone besides me LOL)! For today’s build, we are taking a look at a solar titan build in Destiny 2 Beyond Light that I find to be extremely fun and good, and the beauty of it is that it isn’t really too reliant on mods such as other Ashen Wake builds. I hope you like and enjoy 😀

Also, here’s the discord link if anyone would like to join. FAIR NOTE THOUGH,
I’ve never made a server before, so it may or may not be scuffed…

Discord Link – https://discord.gg/pFbfh275hK


8 thoughts on “RIDICULOUS SUPER RECHARGE RATE! Solar Titan Build in Destiny 2 Beyond Light”

  1. While this build is a bit eased up on the normal mods you see for Ashen Wake builds, such as warmind cell mods, I understand that not everybody has the mods that I have within this video. If this is the case and you'd still like to use this build without some of the mods, then lmk and I'll try my best to come up with a replacement so you can still enjoy the build. Anyways, I hope this video is alright and I'll see you in the next one 😀 OH WAIT! Link to my discord that I just made is in the description if you wanna check it out. Nothing to fancy at all and it's a bit scuffed, but it's there if you'd like to join sometime. PEACE

  2. I’ve been trying this build in pvp, sense beyond light came out a kill with fusion wont always charge your grenade, in fact sometimes I’ll get zero grenade energy for a kill, does anyone know why this is happening


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