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Destiny 2 Beyond Light – Solo Kalli Last Wish Raid Boss The Easy Way / Solo Kalli Raid Boss Where You Can’t Wipe / Solo Kalli No Darkness Zone Glitch / Easy Raid Boss Solo / Solo Unwipeable Kalli. Just a quick video showing how you can solo a raid boss where you can’t actually wipe, giving you endless time to get the completion. Details below.
Similar to the method in Beyond Light where you could Salvation’s Grip through the door, this time you don’t need to do that and can just get to Kalli via and out of map glitch. From there, the darkness zone doesn’t trigger and you can fight Kalli until you defeat her, without caring about the wipe mechanics. No idea who found this method specifically, as there’s loads of different videos at this point.
Damage setup and boss fight here is far from optimal, as I mentioned in the video. But it just shows how you can defeat this without much effort, and without Anarchy. You don’t need Taken Armaments either. Anarchy, slugs or precision weapons will be the better option for overall damage, similar to the setup I showed earlier in the week:
This will likely be the last Last Wish video for this season, unless something game breaking is found, or a new way to Solo Queenswalk is possible.
PC setup:
MSI MPG Z490 Mobo, i9-10900k CPU, RTX 2080 Super GPU, 64GB DDR4 3200 C16 Ram, 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, 8TB HDD
Keybindings can be seen here:
Thank you so much for your support!
If you did this and then the rest of the raid normally does it count as if having done this encounter?
While this is very impressive do note that this relies on good ol Taken Armaments.
So grenade kills can keep giving you heavy ammo.
Take note you only get 3 spoils and this takes forever.
I think I will try this one. Thanks!
“We need to glitch out of the map”. How about we do it without cheating for once?
Nice! Gonna do this after work lol
Rest of us = Okay so 2 hours
Kalli i'm here to bargain…
Witherhoard, FiLo, and Sward.
This isn't a bad farm if you get good at the route.
Thanks for the vid man!
*Taken Armaments could help too
witherhooding with the season gl debuff just a plessure ;D
Could you kill her over and over to get infinite spoils?
Fron the nether! two years later, Esoterickk stills makes this game enjoyable, so much satisfaction on finding OOB on games =D
We gotta do this quickly before it's patched.
People trying to have fun in games, in another side; people trying to find easy way to get bosses
Awesome 😎
I been doing this for a couple of weeks it takes me 30 minutes to kill her it’s good to see how you take her down . Free chest .GG BRO GOOD VIDEO
So I did this and once the loading zone switched over, it made the noise of an Oracle from VoG. Anyone else get this??
But didn’t you sow hos olredi
Btw precision weapons are much better for damage on kalli. Witherhoard and an LFR and slug shotgun could be really good.
Holy shit this is about to really piss Bungie off, lol. Idk u guys find these glitches but by God I love it.
Im genuinely curious on how the Raid dev team react whenever Eso solos any raid encounter.
Just waiting for the tweet from Bungie "Due to an exploit, Salvations Grip has been disabled"
Does defeating her count as a clear for this checkpoint? In other words, is it possible to farm spoils this way or not?
100% works
Just did it on my hunter
Thanks m8
Can I do this over and over again?
Can friends join in on you when you reach the boss and also die repeatedly? Or does it load them at the beginning?
I really need to start doing these spoils of conquest farms! This one seems like the easiest one so far. If you can make videos for any others that would be awesome!
They need to rename the exotic in „Glitch Gun“
why… just why when someone's doing raid solo its always you…
I think we can all agree that Esoterickk is an absolute legend
3 Spoils lmfao
Only issue with doing this is, you can't continue with the next encounter cause it won't start. Also if you go to orbit and load back in, the checkpoint doesn't activate so you start at the beginning. You still get the loot tho so it's fine that's ALL we want. 🔥😂
Would have been nice to know before I deleted my ciphers last week
Well then Xur I need your stuff now
Whelp now I know what I'm doing tonight.
2:42 the oracles disagree with your methods
I've never seen eso die more than once in a video… this is wild
2:41 oracle?
147xp for a raid encounter is all anyone needs to know about how sheisty Bungie is.
0.147% of a single level up.
there you can just get spoils 3 times a week right? once per character
Ada 1 has powerful friends mod
Greattttttt, using my path I've been using since last wishes release. This is gonna get patched now. Thanks a lot
Please don't patch,please don't patch🙏🙏🙏🙏
finally gonna get that shader
Years of jumping puzzles has prepared me for this moment
can u redo on same character to get spoils ??
Thanks man