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So here is a right to the point guide on how to get Cerberus+1. This is a nice hybrid between an auto rifle and a shotgun. Give it a try and let me know your thoughts. Hopefully this video does help. Enjoy!
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So close 4K is in hands reach
I finally got devil’s ruin yesterday
Man, this auto rifle I made out of four other auto rifles doesn’t work well enough…hmm
There we go!
Already got this exotic from Xur but thank you
Is it just me or all the auto rifles are shit? I feel much stronger using a hand cannon or a pulse rifle. I just get sad when I unload half a mag on a orange healt mob with a auto rifle when I can just kill it with 3 shot with a pulse rifle :/
Peeeeaaaaaace……. IN THE SUMMMMMER
While I still find these "how to get…" Videos that just say from drops or the archive a little trolly I respect them. It could easily be drug out to a 10 minute video but they're not. So thanks for doing these. Maybe you can make a video explaining what catalysts you can and can't get right now. I need to get it for the huckleberry but you can't right now. Which makes me wonder what else you can't get.
Quick and fast you got yourself a new sub
Man thank you for keeping the video short and nice
Im going to grind for it i its got one of the highest damage once you make it do that
can i get it without buying forsaken ?
and also: can i get last word without buying forsaken pack ?
thanks man, i love these straight to the point videos, most other content creators always take like 10 and a half hours to start explaining the quest