"Holy Moly! You WON'T Believe How This Destiny 2 Match Ended…"

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Hey guys, I am getting back into Destiny again so my skills are not the best as of right now, been gone since Beyond Light. I am glad to get back into this game and I hope you guys enjoyed this video. I know the video has some hiccups in quality I used Nvidia’s replay to capture this and I never increased the bit rate.

This match ended in a crazy way and I have no clue how it got to its conclusion.


1 thought on “"Holy Moly! You WON'T Believe How This Destiny 2 Match Ended…"”

  1. Hey guys, I am getting back into Destiny again so my skills are not the best as of right now, been gone since Beyond Light. I am glad to get back into this game and I hope you guys enjoyed this video. I know the video has some hiccups in quality I used Nvidia's replay to capture this and I never increased the bit rate.


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