Destiny 2: Which Class Should You Play? (2021)

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This video provides an overview of the class options in Destiny 2, and is current for 2021 (i.e. includes information about Stasis from the Beyond Light expansion). It should be helpful for new players who are just getting started and are trying to pick a class, or for returning players who have been away from Destiny 2 for some time.

0:00 Intro
1:06 Classes in Destiny 2
2:30 Titans
5:50 Hunters
9:00 Warlocks
11:35 Summary



50 thoughts on “Destiny 2: Which Class Should You Play? (2021)”

  1. Somewhat important note that i think you missed: All middle skill trees are not accessible unless youve bought an expansion. It doesn't matter which expansion you get, but they will be locked and say they require the forsaken expansion if you dont have any expansions.

  2. in pvp: Most titans are braindead, most hunters are ballsy bastards, but warlocks are the worst- their fuckin cold hearted devils. Their minds and soul completely void of any humanity and any sense of empathy

  3. I play as a warlock bc I knew every 9 year old would choose hunter bc they have a cloak. So lame, so cliche. Warlock is the best for playing single player PVE bc abilities are ultimately what carry you through the game

  4. Hunters are the attack characters. They’re a fluid class and can be molded to fit any offensive play style you desire. Whether you’re looking for hand to hand or long range reconnaissance, they’ll fit.

    Warlocks are the support class. They have low shields and can be one slapped across kingdom come, but they’re also the scariest to go against with their whole focus being on destructive power and healing their friends.

    Titans are the tanks. The rock upon which humanity’s enemies are cast and broken. They’re a rigid yet fluid class that is focused on close to mid ranged combat and shielding their allies from certain death.

  5. Pve

    Hunter – you give your entire team inv , you have a delete button called celestial nighthawk and the best cc of the 3 classes

    Titan – delete button bitch plz I freaking tackle any champion or boss with the god of thunder wrath , or if I want to be a true Chad I use my shield to give my teammates tons of orbs plus I can give the strongest weapon buff dmg

    Warlock – yeah yeah I can keep you all alive with my flame sword so thsnk me later for getting everyone through nightfalls , and if that wasn't enough I can become one of the best weave clears with just one guntlets or arc subclass


    Hunter – I'm fast ASF boi , or sneacky w wall hacks

    Titan – don't get near me or probably I will just melee some one and wipe the enemy team kekw

    Warlock – Icarus dash goes brrr

  6. One question I started playing a week ago with warlock and I'm 1270 if I switch to a hunter would I have to start the process all over again (1100) ?

  7. Anybody wants quick help
    Don’t pick Hunter worst treated Class in this entire game, Titans and Warlocks have free kill abilities
    So does titans
    Supers are much better for Warlocks and Titans than Hunters

    Titans get many exotics that allow for hard mode raids to be made easy
    Warlocks have healing rifts to help themselves out and a tracking melee that goes around corners

    Hunters can run fast

    Hunters die EXTREMELY fast

    Warlocks can kill people and regain health back with devour, Titans can shoulder charge indefinitely

    Hunters have a dodge that reloads current weapon pretty much it.

    You can’t do hard mode content with a Hunter without having certain exotics



  8. I love Titan just for dealing with hackers in pvp. I simply rush around the battleground careful to stay out of sight and rush into them with my shield charge. Works most of the time.

  9. ughhhh I find myself wishing to play this game again. I played through the entirety of Destiny 1 and loved it as a teenager, and when D2 came out I had to drop it as school became a priority. I still don’t have the time to play and sink the number of hours (and money) into the game as I used to, but seeing all this new stuff makes me so happy and so sad that I can’t be a part of it. Warlocks are the best btw.


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