Halo Infinite vs Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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Two massive Sci-Fi franchises are competing this fall. This video goes over how these two games will compete and what their strengths/weaknesses will be.

[Time Stamps]
Opening 0:00
Halo Discussion 0:22
Destiny Discussion 3:49
Closing 5:33


21 thoughts on “Halo Infinite vs Destiny 2 Beyond Light”

  1. I think both games can succeed as they will still be quite different. Halo will still have a linear story, even if they have an open world thing like destiny it won't be the same I don't think. I can't see Halo becoming a looter shooter unless they change how the weapon and armour work. And I don't think it will be the nail in the coffin for Halo if it doesn't do too well as Halo is a big part of xbox. For me I hope Halo has an epic story that will make me want to play it. I loved Halo 1,2,3 and 4 even though people hated on 4 I loved the story of master chief and cortana. Halo 5 to me was very forgetful but how it looked and played. If we get a new Halo with a great story that's on the lines of an Uncharted game or LoU or a GoW game that would make Halo great again. Thank to coming to my TED talk.

  2. I'll be honest, the only Halo I ever enjoyed was Reach and I didn't play as much as my friends. I am hopeful that Halo 6 will be good because I'd like to have a fun and competitive sci fi FPS. Destiny ain't gonna be that for me haha

  3. Interesting take. You are wrong on the warzone items tho. You stated you can only get items almost exclusively through microtransactions which is false. Items are earned from RNG boxes which you earn in game but can also buy for real money (who does that anyway? It's damn expensive!). I've opened probably a thousand boxes and never spent a penny. It's an awful system but nothing is microtransactions exclusive.

  4. I feel like beyond light will fail due to new big games coming, controversial decisions of the company, and that people might not wanna play a game with an old engine with a new console with better systems.

  5. This video obviously did not hold up the best after the Xbox reveal. But I still believe it’s worth keeping up as some points still stand. Just before you comment please keep in mind this video was made before the halo infinite reveal event.

  6. Destiny 2 will still have PlayStation players because we don’t have halo. For PlayStation players we have Destiny of Warframe and I don’t feel like waiting a year for a upgrade on warframe.

  7. Look at the texture of the earth in halo – yellow primitive monotonous color, without stones. And now look to the destiny in this video – flowers, grass, stones, rusty, etc. My choice of course destiny2 And also because there are better and multiple guns

  8. I know they are different games and I can accept that they both play at different paces, but destiny 2's graphics (not including character faces) still feels superior to halo 6, I also feel that there is a lot more content and exploration to be done in destiny 2 and It makes it feel like halo 6 should've been released 2 years ago. Idk what do you guys think 🤔

  9. A bunch of games we’re supposed to ”kill Destiny” Anthem, The Division, warframe, one of those C.O.D games even gave the Titan smash ability. Let’s not forget the best creators of Halo left to create Destiny.


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