Destiny 2 was Better Before Beyond Light

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Beyond Light is an embarrassment to the word “expansion.” This content release removes/neuters far more content than it offered. This has cause me (and many others) to think Destiny 2 was better before Beyond Light. I would honestly rather play Season of the Worthy than this time period in Destiny. Bungie needs to either double or triple their content output or undo content vaulting and weapon sunsetting.

This video shows just how concerned Bungie is with “saving space” in Destiny:


31 thoughts on “Destiny 2 was Better Before Beyond Light”

  1. One little note is that try using more definitive words whenever possible. Near the end you said that Destiny 2 was "objectively smaller" or something along those lines… The game is around HALF the size it was previously file wise or maybe even LESS than that content wise. So… the game is not objectively smaller. It is LITERALLY smaller. So next time try using less words that go around opinions if they are entirely based in facts.

  2. To call your content helpful is stupid. The game was way too big and ran extremely slow on console. You’re upset about weapon sunsetting because you used the same guns before beyond light even dropped. Bungie can’t make destiny feel like a brand new game because they just simply can’t do That much. You want them to start from the ground up but that just won’t work. Dude just stop complaining about the game. There are a few flaws with it but it’s fine. If you’re gonna continue to actually play the game then don’t say that destiny isn’t getting people to come back. Bungie can’t add new enemy’s every expansion because the game is surprisingly hard to develop. That’s a lot of time that bungie simple does not have. There was no way to take a good 50 gigs of the game without getting rid of stuff. It’s not the terrible game you dress it up to be,

  3. I have the same situation, D2 used to be my favourite game. I joined in at Forsaken and knew that this game was perfect for me. But now, with BL and all the vaulting and sunsetting, this game went from amazing to depressing. Bungie knows what we as a community want, they've always known. But yet still, 9/10 times they give us the things we don't want. Like this ''Expansion''.

  4. Too much space magic and less gun and movement skill… feels like Bungie made a choice. We can make a choice too… I love Bungie gameplay but Destiny PvP is now meaningless. It gets its meaning by players getting good at it. I might just go back to Halo multiplayer

  5. Limiting the power is only to make people grind longer. The slower you are to kill, the longer you are on the game, the "more likely you are to spend money on silver". Since their partnership with NetSleaze its become a mobile business. That's why everything is the way it is. Reject the mobile business model by not buying from Bungle and it will change, FAST.

  6. I love bungees excuse for The game is too big. Well if they would f**** optimize it and actually do the goddamn jobs it wouldn't take us as much space. And to the ones saying well it's too hard to optimize and build stuff for because of its size, I would reply it's your f**** job if you can't do it get the f*** out what are you getting paid for. But I hear it's too big what I really hear but just saying is we're too f**** lazy. and for them saying it's too hard to balance again all I hear is we are too f**** lazy. Bungie is a studio of over 600 employees They need to start purging the garbage and only keep employees who will actually f**** do their job.

  7. The only chance D2 has at recovering is if Luke Smith steps down. That's never going to happen so the game is doomed. If content creators can't sustain themselves off of the game they main then the game has a problem.

  8. no cap, what u said about sunsetting purpose makes a lot of sense. they sunset so they dont have to make more weapons, so they doing less work. also they made things more grindy due to lack of content( nothing to do)

  9. Just the fact that they vaulted FIVE FRICKING RAIDS that I paid for made me not even want to return, but hey they'll keep at it as long as their die hard fans keep pre ordering collector's/deluxe editions after 1 cinematic trailer


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