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Hey guys what is up In this video I’m going to be talking about ice breakers return in destiny 2 beyond light
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Hope you guys enjoyed thanks for watching Let’s hope it comes back !
Nicely made
Oh dang you're so close to 4,000 subscribers nice😎😄
It is definitely not icebreaker though. I guarantee that
Lets get him to 4k!
If Icebreaker does come back you can expect a huge jump in sniper meta in pvp and pve.
2:30 hair apartment
I can sit and snipe oracles in VoG now.
Honestly I haven't even thought about icebreaker coming back in d2. cheers for the heads up as always
All your contents are very interesting. Watched almost all 👍👍
I hope Icebreaker doesn't come back to D2. I do miss having it, I used to shred people with my Icebreaker in trials during Year 1 and Year 3, but it was so op that I wouldn't want it to come back especially since the special ammo economy is a disaster and so is trials.