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Destiny 2 Beyond Light 200 Speed Glitched Sparrow.
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this has to be a glitch, since the sparrow from dsc is normal speed, they could make the raid sparrows faster, but they didnt, meaning its a glitch
Yeah I was noticing that when I was playing with my friends
Interesting, I have a 160 speed cleansing knife sparrow that's legendary from last wish. The collection gives you it at 150
Its always been the fastest sparrow. Hence it was a raid reward.
weyd spawow
SweatCicle has been saying this since he got the sparrow
Do a video of Retrocusality VS always on time. curious if that is up to speed. or if its still only this sparrow
Try out the always on time against EV 37 void streak I think it might be the perk it’s worth a try
Dammit bungo will patch this I swear
Get to the point man good grief.
I noticed too i was passing people in front of me with always on time
.____. It’s not a bug that’s intentional
Wonder why I was passing everyone
HOW CAN IT BE GLITCHED? This sparrow was from black armory which was a long time ago
Nice troll
Patched yet?
I suspect the video speed up when they were riding the sparrow. I cant say with certainty but the particle effects of the climate seemed off and the way the cap and character models were animated seemed off as well. I dont know I might be just seeing things.
Have you tested Eon Drive?
dude, this is intentional, its always been this fast XD
Always on time should be faster it’s a raid sparrow
yeahhhh 240 for a sparrow? i’m good, i’d rather get anarchy
i earned this super rare sparrow from SoTP grinded out the sparrow encounter. it's always been fast. has a supreme NLS drive that makes it faster and makes enemies less aggressive.
This guy can't say R's properly lol.
Garbage ass nigga
this has been a thing old news again
I wish each sparrow had a different sound i don't know why bungie made all the sparrows have the same sound
Its more like a 170 instead of 200
Dude I did 13 runs of sotp and did not get always on time nor anarchy
how does this man have 1 million subs
Sweatcicle already said this but yes, a very good sparrow indeed
I wouldn't say it feels like 200 speed, I'd say like 170-175? Idk
So…casual gamers are screwed yet again. Some of us don't hang in packs of 6 and can't do raids all day long to get loot we SHOULD be able to get since we did PAY for the game.
It’s been like this since forever
I would like but your likes are at "868" and dislikes at "363"
Nice vid
Always on time is bugged since BL launched.
Def a shitty video