Best Stasis Titan Build Combination in Beyond Light (Rapid Cooldowns) Destiny 2 Season of the Hunt

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For todays video, I’m showing another build in Destiny 2 Beyond Light/Season of the Hunt. This stasis titan build combination has absurdly (rapid) fast cooldowns for both melee and grenade abilities in PvE gameplay. All you really need is either the Travelers Chosen or Monte Carlo paired up with the Heart of Inmost Light. If you don’t have the Travelers Chosen, then Monte Carlo would be an amazing replacement for this stasis subclass build

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I hope you like and enjoy!


Song – Pokémon Lofi Music ~ 1 Hour Mix (Pokémon League Theme from “Pokémon Diamond and Pearl”) –

ALSO, check out my friends!
Coozco –
Gryphon’s Den –


7 thoughts on “Best Stasis Titan Build Combination in Beyond Light (Rapid Cooldowns) Destiny 2 Season of the Hunt”

  1. more… MORE… MOOOOOOOOOOOOORE. I got more stasis "builds" lel. I'm just waiting for more aspects to come out so I can make even MORE. But alas, we have to wait. I hope this video was helpful or at the very least somewhat informative. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, i'd be more than willing to help

  2. This build would be 10 times better if bungie didn't completely screw titans and only allow them to equip 1 single fragment meanwhile warlocks get 3 fragments and hunters get 2


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