Destiny 2: Beyond Light – Scary Sounds on Europa… (Ghost Children, Hidden Sea Monster…)

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Destiny 2: Beyond Light – Scary Noises… (Ghost Children – lost souls of children that died during the Collapse, Hidden Sea Monster…?)

Listen closely…

Seeing as this is close to the Pyramid Ship, I have a feeling that the children’s humming may be from children that died during the Collapse…which would be EXTREMELY creepy and dark if that is the case. Also, Elsie Bray (aka Exo Stranger) alludes to the fact that early settlers on Europa went diving beneath the ice and found something. Supposedly, a sea creature. Perhaps, the distant howling screeches could be that creature. Maybe that Sea Monster was transformed and mutated in to a demonic monster by the Pyramid. These ambient sounds were clearly deliberate, which just makes me wonder. Not gonna lie, I LOVE these creepy noises. This is the first time I tried recording on my PC. Unless I get a better PC, I will not continue recording on PC until I can upgrade.

Check out the awesome Sea Monster artwork in the thumbnail:

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