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OneSecondKill vs Aztecross in Trials of Osiris | Destiny 2 Beyond Light
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I've been watching cross for a long time, since the beginning of destiny. He's a great pvp player and not a lot of people realize that. To see you posting a vid about going against him speaks volumes about how good of a player cross is. Also, awesome plays as always osk👍👍👌
GGs keep it going my guy
LOL always post to his tubes hey have you ever played OSK ? This is awesome , cant wait to watch !
As always, Brotha, you win with grace and top notch sportsmanship. Great video!
Amazing plays by osk as always, keep up the great work!
Fantastic calls outs , great game , awesome team effort ! GG!
Wanted to stop by and support the YouTube channel glad to see more uploads from you keep it up!
I guess somebody’s momma didn’t teach em right! 😂😂😂
How come you have been posting win videos against main stream streamers.
What’s your gear load out?
What shader on your gun ?
You pooped on my favourite you tuber 😔
Awesome plays against stasis too👍
I always thought Aztec was more PVE focused