Destiny 2 Beyond light review (unbiased)

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Made a short review, cause the existing ones on youtube were biased or had a non-critical-point-of-view.

Been with this game since Destiny 1, and i am so tired of bungie not being able to deliver at this point, and this was my personal opinon capped down to 6:30 min.


14 thoughts on “Destiny 2 Beyond light review (unbiased)”

  1. Feel the same. I completed the campaign on my Hunter and started on my Warlock and it felt like a chore. I haven’t really felt like I need to log back in outside of maybe talking to friends that play. I think this expansion will die fast after the raid is released unless the raid and the gear in it are phenomenal.

  2. Totally agree with you its shocking to see the justification around the d2 community for the poor quality of this DLC. I have seen comments on reddit saying that people are just crying too much when thats just not the case the marketing for this DLC was that it was going to be basically destiny 3 and it was the next big thing when its been the total opposite. Removing so much of the content from the game and adding basically nothing back is so unhealthy for a so called 'MMO' as bungie is now calling D2. 75% of the legendary weapons have been redered useless and only 5% has been added back its such a joke they must have known this wasnt going to end well or are they just burying their heads in the sand once again. They claim to listen to the community when they clearly dont, instead of actually sandboxing the game properly they just binned everything that not only we worked hard for but PAID for which is now useless and unobtainable. Just like you i have played since day 1 Destiny 1, and I have played since then we have had some very bad times Curse of Orsiris etc, but this is different this is Year 4 of D2 and there is less content that when the game literally came out and that is unexcusable I could go on for hours about how bad this is haha. I appriciate that you made an honest and great review we need more people like you in the destiny community, Great Video, Subcribed 🙂

  3. I am really glad i waited before deciding to buy, no way am i paying £43 for what is basically a couple days worth of content. My m8 who i play with bought it blindly and is naturally very angry but nah sorry as much as i enjoy playing i aint supporting this lazy cash grab

  4. I'll just put it this way, where as expansions in the past added to the game and immersed me. This one has not. Why? Because they tried to hard to follow a basic plot. Enemy appeals to enemy more bad guys. That's destiny now. No good interesting lore. Most of the new lore tabs refer to old seasons. Season of the hunt wont nearly anything to do with the story either. It's a shit show

  5. Race to the bottom for Destiny, its really their fan base that allows this to happen. Most of them just defend Bungie the minute they get criticized.
    Now even the new subclasses suck, a game about sub classes and bungie seemly cant get that right.
    I dont know who play tested beyond light, but i bet it was someone that dint give a shit about Destiny and the player base.


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