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Destiny 2 Beyond Light is an inflection point for the franchise, ushering in as much change as did Forsaken, Destiny 2’s launch or The Taken King. Many of its changes may result in a better Destiny one day, but the immediate impact of these sweeping changes is a game that feels smaller and more grindy than ever before.
Edited by Austin @ausomehd
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Dis gon b good.
Two skillup videos in two consecutive days!? Is this a second christmas?
You know it’s gonna be a good skill up review when it starts with a long winded non sequitur…..
oh never mind lmao
you actually got me with the boat metaphor
Thank you! I needed something to watch. I don't even care about Destiny but your reviews are great.
Beyond light has a Destiny 1 vibe to it. I freaking love it.
At first I thought I was watching a Drachinifel video…
I haven’t played D2 since the last DLC, and I would really like to hop in again. But now it’s just way too overwhelming for me when it comes to what I do first and leads to me closing app 5 minutes after just wandering around the tower
I've always had a vague interst in playing destiny and a couple days ago I decided to give it a try, not knowing they had for some reason yeeted all the old story that actually sets up the world, and replaced it with a mostly story free tutorial mission that does about squat to introduce the story, lore, characters and mechanics. Is destiny only for veterans of the series now? End of walktrhough you get a macguffin that slots into a macguffin hidden by robot mal, and it's very sad robot mal is dead, you're supposed to be sad about it, never having met the guy, after a way too long first person jumping puzzle you combine the macguffins to get a gun, then next mission I picked from what I could access on the map with 0 guidance where to go or what to do I'm in a prison escape with robot mal, who's now allive, and talks to me as if we're good friends, then he dies, and you're supposed to feel sad about that, and be angry at the characters involved you've never seen before.
Wat? Who are all these people? Who are all the random evil factions? How does any of the mechanics of the game work? Who am I? Why am I?
Yeah its basically destiny 3.they are gonna build it up again
Sorry but Destiny 2 does not deserve a 50 minute review, I could be half way through its content by the time this finishes.
I thought I was watching a reupload there for a sec. Lol
i love the dislikes before it was possible to watch the video in full
day 400 of asking ralph to make a Monster Hunter Iceborne review
IMO, Beyond Light is an amazing expansion bogged down by design decisions around the rest of the game.
50 minute D2 review form SkillUp? Oh yea we eatin' today.
Are you doing good Ralph? Your voice sounds quite odd. Take care🙏
I used to adore and love playing destiny. But as of late my interest in the game has waned to the point that this is the first expansion I haven't bought. Bungie atrocious sandbox balancing paired with some of their recent game decisions (like sunsetting) has killed my urge to play the game. That's just my two cents.
50 minute review? (grabs popcorn)
Short story: DLC not worth it. Wait for deep sale or SKIP (not missing much).
Just a few minutes in but your editing anf format seems like its taken a lot of thought and time! Im excited to watch the rest of this
Mace windu toys with the dark side so bad example lol
Hope you tear into this game, it's a shame how far it's fallen. Bungie need make a new game, it's so bad at the minute. Never ever have I seen a game put so little effort in but ask for so much money wise.
Still Boycotting game until we get campaigns back….. all of them, I really cant invest in this business model
I played D1, and D2 religiously until I couldn't stare at the ugly purple dude with the cup anymore. I'm kinda mind blown they are still putting out expansions.
The game is still boring
Haha I really thought the boat metaphor was back for a second.
To be honest, the dreadnought analogy works pretty well.
I’m feeling Raycevick’s influence in your intros lately.
Skill Up has finally covered it, only a matter of time for IHE to return
I felt the same way about the darkness….ohhhh ice yay…they could have done so much with the theme. Ball definitely dropped. It's weird that with a game not held back by the limits of reality is so held back.
Oh shit, here we go again.
Destiny Alpha was in 2014, not 2015.
That jedi counsel comparison with strikes was hilarious
The Taken King is still my favourite expansion for every aspect of Destiny.
Why is destiny so darn good still. I can never put it down for very long.
go farm some strikes now
Damn it, you got me with the metaphor….
I'm basically board of the game. I played through the beyond light campaign and had no desire to play beyond that.
Considering how you came back to this game after a long time…how about returning to Monster Hunter World and reviewing Iceborne next?
Yeah….. I think I'll stick to a real MMO, e.g. FFXIV.
Play everyday with my clan its a fun expansion but we all agree it should have been worth 25.00 not 40
I don't trust any game company lol can't wait for the next expansion when all this trust peeps have turns out to be horribly placed.
The best intro for any game review
I’m only 3 minutes in and I will finish the video but as a long time D2 player you’ve already said something so accurate it makes my heart hurt. Yes, bungie does expect us to engage with the content, just because it’s new. Not since Season of Opulence have they actually made content so interesting that I had to help playing just to see what the F*%# was going on.