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with the end of Pinata of Death, every gambit reaper needs this build at Beyond Light launch to maintain some fast ttk speeds and not fall behind with only a primary weapon and special. USE IT!
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Each Listing has their own flavor! (awesome Samurai collection CHECK IT OUT) (go back in time to the 80s! and rock out!) (cool household items: blankets, pillows, wall hangers, etc!) (the rustopholis In Space and “Beast Squad” Merch!)
My heart glows with appreciation from community Love when I get notified! We all gotta get by. Thanks, Guardian.
I could barely login before I got kicked off. It looked like minor, major, and boss resist mods are gone. Was that a change that was mentioned before? I don't recall.
Love it man. Can’t wait to try this out. Nezarec’s Sin with Telesto has been one of my favorite gambit combos since they introduced gambit, so I am pumped to try it out!
I loved your setup for gambit. But boy they certainly changed up how the mods on the armor work. I cant wait to see what you recommend now that you are aware of all the changes.
One quick question for you ( I imagine you would know if anyone does). Did the way traction works change with beyond light?
Awesome build omg@!!!
can you recommend something to help create heavy or did they nerf it in gambit
I love all of these! Good stuff bro. Earned a sub
Earned a sub great vid thx.