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– Witherhoard, IKELOS SMG, Falling Guillotine
– Freezing Rifts + Regen rift energy on frozen kills
– CRITICAL UPDATE: Swap out Whisper of Durance (increased slow time) to Whisper of Bonds (Super energy on frozen kills). IT IS INSANE. (Kudos to @Samuel Duns for commenting about this!! See this vid for details:
– Warmind cells that spawn more warmind cells
Tried to put in a lot of alternative weapons in case anyone doesn’t have the specific ones I’m using. Feel free to drop any comments or questions below!
0:00 – Intro and Overview
1:11 – Subclass and abilities
2:14 – Weapons
2:51 – Weapon Alternatives
3:27 – Exotic Armor options
4:02 – Armor Mods
5:52 – Build showcase and commentary
This build looks great. If enemies die to nacrotic grip and i have a warmind cells weapon equipped will a cell drop like it does with witherhoard?
You only need 90 recovery, you get 10 extra for being a warlock.
Have kind of neglected witherhoard this season due to everything else that’s going on, but have been using warmind cells more so this is going to be nuts 🥜 for ad clearing, lots fun, thanks for doing what you do
That was awesome man! Have a great weekend.🏝
Will try it out when I get home from work and leave you some feedback. Thanks for sharing.
OMG I just added in the fragment thst also alows you super energy on kfrozen combatsnt kills it says with weapons but the blast from the rift must count amd you get you super back in under a minute, honestly this is utter madness lol PLEASE PLWASE PLWASE ADD IN whisper of bonds, you will not be disapointed!
Shadow: standard penumbral blast melee for long distance melee
Me: weeps in nerf
Really find the range nerf sucks so bad
Wow man, just wow, this Is my first time seeing this Chanel and I am just very impressed with the way he explains things so thoroughly. Keep up the great work man, u gonna reach 10k very soon with that kinda content!!
Hey, any suggestions if I'm just getting back to the game and can't get Witherhoard? I've tried looking everything up and seems like I'm out of luck in terms of getting it… Any tips appreciated, build looks insanely fun.
Such a nice build but its a shame I dont have witherhoard
Hey greay video. How you make the ikelos hace like no recoil? Also does ikelos proc war mind? Arentthose just seraphguns??
YouTuber clickbait rule #1: if you use INSANE it must be CAPITALIZED.
YouTuber clickbait rule #2: use INSANE all the time
lol wow great minds think alike, Exact exotic armour (equiped), exact weapons too. Only thing I don't have is any charged with light mods except powerful friends, the +20 strength one (can't remember the name), and the one that gives you an overshield while using a finisher. (Think the perk is called finisher bulwark or something along those lines.)
how do you have 4 fragments i only can use 2 and i have 4 unlocked?
Hey, can I get only warmind cell mods from Banshee? Because I can't see all Warmind Cell mods in my collection ^^
New subscriber bro, that was awesome and well explained, got to get off my titan and grab my warlock. Thanks 😊
How are you procing wrath of rasputin if you are not doing solar damage?
Are there alternatives to the weapons? ( submachine gun) is it just the perks that matter or ? ( new to modding feel a little overwhelmed)
Good explanation. Subbed to your channel. Good luck with future content
Kinda off topic, I just got the game and all expacs…how do I aquire this subclass and can I access the story quests before the expacs?
I subbed off of the strength of this video. The build was explained well. The timestamps are extremely helpful and appreciated.
Very nice ty
Great video man, I recently returned and have bought the new dlc (really enjoying it) and this video is really informative and has been put together really well. Liked and subbed, you deserve it!
did you have Hammerhead in your loadout? I thought it was sunset
Interesting build , definitely more unique than the bread and butter builds shown by other tubers
Good job
How did you get over 100 for Recovery? That's crazy…..
Killer build! 💥
As someone who has been clinging to a devour build, I feel like I lose so much survivability when I switch to stasis, so I love that you made a build focused on more than just pumping out maximum dps. You did a great job explaining everything, you took the time to show all the mods without me having to pause the video to see everything (a source of great frustration from other content providers). You maintained enthusiasm without going overboard. Excellent content, keep it comin.
I love playing the support role, but I can't decide whether my end game build should be a healer warlock or a stasis warlock build. I'm curious to hear what you think?
How can i have whiteroad now?
Subbed. Well done man
Really nice and clear explanation. Thank you mate.
I don't seem to Have rage of the Warmind mod is there any other mod you would recommend in that slot?
What if we dont have witherhoard
and at 5:53 you taught a chronic Witherhoard user like something that blew my freaggin mind, all this time, coulda been…. thanks!
how do you go about getting 5 perks in season 14?
My main PvE Stasis build is this exact build but with Shayuras rather than Ikelos (didn't have one) or doing Ignition Code/Sunshot for the solar damage warmind cells with wrath of Rasputin working with the exotic perk.
Eye of Another World is lovely in balancing cooldowns for stasis.
Only swap I do for other subclasses is swap exotic to Boots of the Assembler for middle tree dawnblade.