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This week Parris Lilly drops by to talk about his lifetime love of video games and his hopes for Destiny 2: Beyond Light. Plus, he endures an all new round of Mount Up 4 Morbius!
Check out more of Parris Lilly here!
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Loving funhaus and dude soup – like coming home
Parris was a heaps good guest. Super funny and gelled well Adam and James. Can't wait to see him on the channel again.
Only thing I disagree with is shadowkeep being the weakest, yes it’s weak, but is everyone forgetting the dark below in d1?
Elyse redoing the Express VPN so we dont say she's a hostage.
After Woolie was on Inside Gaming I hope he gets to be on the podcast sometime.
There's already a living breathing world that's been going for 15 years. Some things have been removed, but you can travel through the history of the game whenever you want. It's called World of Warcraft lol. Destiny acted like it wanted to be wow with guns, but it looks like they were too ambitious.
Loved Parris as a guest, definitely have him back!
Guys, this is what makes this podcast great! Cool different guests that offer different interesting takes, and talking about VIDEO GAMES! You guys are really great at talking about games, I wish you guys would talk about them more like this episode!
Brilliant episode, can't wait to see Parris back again!
His voice alone is worth listening to, holy shit
Not that i think the game is perfect, but a lot of what they want from Destiny is already in Warframe. Though i would say it has become quite bloated with all the previous game content still there.
They need to fix the fucking Shader system.
This was so great. What a fun guest
My friends and I have been saying it since day one, that we wished we could move the ships during the loading screens of Destiny and Destiny 2. You are not alone James.
Ill never be able to like Like Smith or accept him apologizing time and time again over Destiny ever since Destiny 1 with the Taken Wallet. I remember when that guy straight up told everyone to get over the fact that some emotes were gonna be excluse to the collectors edition that made you have to rebuy everything you already owned and straight up said "you'll be throwing money at the screen" over some emotes and a skin and just how hard he tried to defend that clusterfuck of an overpriced DLC. Fuck that guy
James: what a coincidence that we are talking about Videos games during this podcast and you just happen to be black gamer
He looks good for 46!
Will the Xbox Series X be able to run Destiny at 4K 120 frames? Or can the Xbox only do 4K at 60 frames?
great pod, would love to see more of parris in fh content
I really liked Parris, first time hearing about this dude. Seemed like such a great guy, and his voice was perfect for a podcast. Hope you have him on again in the future!
They've had the brood question before and I'm pretty sure James mentioned Edge and Christian that time too lmao
How is Paris 46?! Give me his genes please
I knew that vampire question about the wolf just because of Love Death Robots
What to expect from d2, doing the same crap over & over again to get your power level up to play the "new content"
Don't get me i like the game, had good moments. My god the grind is terribly bad if you don't have friends to play with you!
Please have Parris back on, he is such a good fit here
am i the only one who can see james' skull? i cant unsee now. im so sorry.
That’s hilarious how Paris got into the old E3s 😂
I'd gladly come one your show 🙂 let me know <3
48:18 thats the Fallout 76 method baby. works evertime.
Why is Morbius not Kevin Bacon? He's already got the nose. They could've saved so much on the makeup budget.
It's funny how many gamers fall for the games developers and publishers play. Oh, you can 360 noscope — but you'll buy into the reveal, roadmap, and trailer.
Got to the mount up for morbis part and I died
Parris is a welcome addition to this podcast, perfect guest. Would love to see him back again
The speed on the Dark Shadows question lmaooooo
Bungie has the most Stockholm-syndromy communities on the internet…
The new player experience is an absolute dumpster fire. I did that a bit before Shadowkeep having not played D1 and holy shit I had a terrible time. Found the main quest line after like 50 hours of bouncing around areas in the game. Going through the plot was absolutely meaningless now. I really like the setting and lore etc. but the design is absolutely horrifically flawed.
Co-op was fun as then you can forget a lot of things and just mess around with friends though.
I still don't understand why developers insist on bringing console/controller UI's to PC shooters. Just so lazy. Division 2 goes even further than Destiny; they have scroll bars on items even when you play at 4K AND the character model takes over a third of the screen when you're in your inventory. Just bonkers.
im still with James 100% about the Destiny spaceship loading screens; interactive load screens can really help a game's engagement factor, especially when the load times are long. The last game I played with a playable load screen was Berserk Musou, and it made me remember that DMC3's HD versions cut their loadscrn mini-game OUT of the original….
Nice podcast. Seems that despite various disadvantages it's a bit easier to have guest join remotely, if setup allows it. I suppose it was a lot more complicated when you had to have the guest come in house.
Haven't watched these guys in months. Just popped in to see what they've been talking about. Is anybody surprised that it's destiny fucking 2? giant fucking face palm with a hammer
Ah yes….
James: ( paraphrasing) i wonder y it took so long to get a black guy on??? It only to a world wide gathering to get 1 on after 5 years…… you only brought a black dude on because your pandering now it's cool though
To expand on James' story about the fatalities, I used to do the same with with people I knew at school with GTA Vice City/San Andreas.
Why isnt jacob part of this podcast?
We need more Parris
Blah blah blah. Love destiny couldnt get a minute into this crap.
Anyone find it kinda funny how he doesn’t like how people get mad when he mentions Stadia, but then digresses off topic for a few minutes solely to shit on Stadia? Kind of ironic.