THIS GUN IS WAY TOO GOOD! INSANE Void Warlock Build in Beyond Light | Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen

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THIS GUN IS WAY TOO GOOD! With this build, we’re going to be using the almighty toaster known as the jotunn but WE NEVER RUN OUT OF AMMO! This Insane void Warlock build makes it so that we never have to use our primary because we’re just gonna be spamming our jotunn and grenades with devour 24/7 with a little help from our mods. I hope you all enjoy this set up within Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen | Beyond Light

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Helmet – 2x Fusion Rifle Ammo Finder, Supercharged
Gauntlets – 2x Fusion Rifle Loader, Global Reach
Chest Armor – Fusion Rifle Reserves, Quick Charge
Leg Armor – 2x Fusion Rifle Scavenger, Extra Reserves
Bond – 2x Bomber, Wrath of Rasputin

0:00 Intro
1:00 Verity’s Brow + skill tree
2:12 Jotunn + other weapons
3:07 Stat recommendations
3:35 Mods

Song – Pokémon Lofi Music ~ 1 Hour Mix (Pokémon League Theme from “Pokémon Diamond and Pearl”) –


29 thoughts on “THIS GUN IS WAY TOO GOOD! INSANE Void Warlock Build in Beyond Light | Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen”

  1. SOOOO, "first things first"… I gotta stop saying first things first so much lol
    If any of you have any suggestions or recommendations as to what builds I should make a video on, feel free to comment them down below or message me on twitter. ALSO, if you have any questions about the set up or just any questions in particular then feel free to ask! I'm always open to helping you all out

  2. Hey, Cloudoa, quick question: if one maniac left a hundred comments on this video, would YouTube still count that as a high viewer engagement and thus recommend your videos to more people?

  3. 3:44 It was a fantastic decision by Bungie to remove general mod affinities so now we can do crazy builds like this one, running fusion rifle mods in every spot (which normally would have been Solar affinity) and using a Void Charged with Light mod.
    I mean the problem could be resolved by putting Extra Reserves on the Warlock Bond and Taking Charge anywhere else but, hey, this is way better.

  4. Err, I'm just gonna summarize the build real quick here, if you don't mind:

    Head: 2 x Fusion Rifle Ammo Finder, Supercharged
    Arms: Discipline mod, 2 x Fusion Rifle Loader, Global Reach
    Chest: Discipline mod, Fusion Rifle Reserves, Quick Charge
    Legs: Discipline mod, 2 x Fusion Rifle Scavenger, Extra Reserves
    Bond: Discipline mod, 2 x Bomber, Wrath of Rasputin

  5. What do y'all think about these ideas for balancing shotguns?

    TL;DR- shotguns are frustrating to be killed by, because the one shot mechanic removes the element of skill completely from the equation. Rebalancing shotguns to be 2 shots to kills would fix this, and reintroduce skill

    There are 3 components to good gun play, UTILITY, CHARACTERISTICS, and MECHANICS. Halo 3 is one of the best, and Bad comapny 2 was AMAZING ( for those of you lucky enough to have played it) so bungie definitely can do this in Destiny.

    1. UTILITY- this is the skill gap. If every gun had the same ttk, same fire rate, reload speed, etc, skill is the determining factor in gun fights. Having higher overall UTILITY for you weapons, means that skill is a bigger factor, leading to more satisfying gun fights, and more understandable defeat. How ever, every gun being the same is not fun, BORING, so thats where CHARACTERISTICS come in.

    2. CHARACTERISTICS- this is where personality of each gun comes in. If you have 2 guns with the EXACT same TKK, but gun A has, more bullets, faster firerate, lower damage per shot, and a higher recoil, and gun B has les bullets, slower fire rate, higher damage per shot, and lower recoil, gun A will naturally be more forgiving and easier to use in close quarters, and gun B will naturally have an advantage at longer range.(think assault rifle vs hand csnon) Both have the same TTK, but each gun feels and plays different naturally. But at the mid range, both should be just about equal. Which means CHARACTERISTICS can be managed and overcome by UTILITY or skill. The majority of the time, the more skilled player will win.

    3. MECHANICS- this is where balancing happens. Could you imagine if 120 HCs hand NO DAMAGE FALL OFF (it would be an absolute nightmare). With the upcoming nerf to bring 120s range to 40m, I would say they are in a fantastic place. Useful up to 40m, able to handle close quarters. Lots of UTILITY and CHARACTERISTICS. its the MECHANICS (balancing) that needs to be reined in. Its every other weapon that needs to be put into the same level of UTILITY and CHARACTERISTICS. This is the current problem not only in PVP but can somewhat extend to PVE to a degree.

    Having to strict or harsh MECHANICS can lead to frustrating gameplay. When was the last time you died in crucible to an SMG? A sidearm? Assault rifle? A non exotic scout rifle? Now what about a 120hc. Or felwinters LIE?!?! (yeah this is somewhat personal) Skill is no longer a factor. You can't use an SMG and be as competitive as you want. Close range? Shotgun INSTAkills you. Barely at medium range, get slapped so hard by a 120hc, yo mama would feel it.

    It does not MATTER at all, not one bit, how good you are, because of MECHANICS, your skill and experience is almost completely USELESS, unless you conform to the meta. Which means that UTILITY (skill) and CHARACTERISTICS (personality and variety) are non existent, meaning that all encounters revolves around is MECHANICS (balancing).

    For example, if an 600rpm had the same damage fall of as a 120HC, 40m, do you think it would destroy the meta? Would it become meta? Or would 600ar just become more common?

    This is the reason why shotguns in their current state,shotguns leave such a bad taste in your mouth after being blasted, its a very UNFAIR FEELING. They completely remove all aspects of skill whatsoever. You have very little to no chance to defend against a shotty ape stasis sliding around the corner. Instant unsatisfactory no skill death.

    Its the same thing with why so many players are unhappy with the current balancing (MECHANICS) of statis. Insta freeze free kill no skill gameplay. Your frozen, your done. That's it.

    Now there are some good examples, like I said 120hc are good, even snipers and fusion rifles. There is some indication with both, the scope glint for snipers, and the charge up sound for fusion, and a good sniper is scary, and I don't feel its unfair when someone with really good aim and skill domes me. So balance can exist. But its the skill that makes the sniper rifles shine

    So how do we fix this? How do we introduce UTILITY back into the MECHANICS of shotguns? Simple. Bungie already did this in Halo 3. Make shotguns 2 shots to kill. ( minus slugs) make the ttk like 1 second. Double the ammo from 2 to 4. In Destiny being the first to shoot, means you will usually win. At 1 sec TTK, this gives smg, ar, pulse, and side arms a chance to compete. Hand canons could still stand, scouts definitely need love(topic for later.) And for the love of the nine, increase the damn range. Shotguns do not have a kill range of 5m. 2 shot to about 10-15m, three shot from like 15-25m, and 4 shot past that. 1 sec, 1.5 sec, and 2 sec TTK at those ranges. This is reasonable. This would not TILT the game. The shotgun apes might throw shit, but oh well.

    And it creates an opportunity for Bungie to keep the current model, and use it to make heavy shotguns. How sexy would that be? Heavy shotguns, massive damage? Hell yeah.

    Bring back UTILITY and skill, get rid of this no skill instakill garbage, and make Destiny 2 better.

    If you think I'm off my rocker and wrong change my mind.

    Also Titans are the best

  6. I used the same build with minor change in exotics and mods
    Nezerac's sin (recharge all abilities and faster super.)
    And changing Warmind mods for more charged with light mods (the more stacks the better chance of ammo dropping.)
    Telesto has insane ad clear with its destination so all you have to do is group them up and spray them with Telesto. Just like that, ammo spawns! This works with all subclasses now since your weapon is void but it works best with Voidwalker for… more void!


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