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#seasonofthesplicer #destiny2 #beyondlight
These new Season of the Splicer Elemental Well mods are AMAZING. Beyond Light, Season of the Chosen specifically, brought with it a new class of mod, referred to as the Elemental Well mod, and in the beginning, it wasn’t really all that great. Luckily, all three classes can utilize these new mods, and they’re not just for show anymore, either.
Today, we’re taking a quick look at them as I get back into the swing of things after a long break.
Stay connected!
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Twitter – @jayboygaming_YT
Fuck yea boiiiiiiiii new video let goooooooo 💪😎🔥👍
First comment and like 🙂
Good to have you back bro
Ayy, Mr Funny Man is back!
I’ve been using the Wells mods since the beginning and yes, these new ones, incredible
Hey he is back.
Glad to have you back – favorite D2 content creator right here!
Don’t think I didn’t see every single throwing knife whiff on your desk monitor…
In all seriousness great vid! There’s so much potential with these new mods.
FYI. Witherhoard blights count as explosive damage. So they can spawn both Wells and WM Cells if paired with Ikelos/Seraph weapons.
F#%@ YES A NEW VIDEO!!! My favorite content creator has blessed us with a new vid! Thank you brother we all love ya!
Have fun in the Jaycave love your videos
Not bothered. Super awesome to have you back. Was waiting for you to discover these
Hoooollly sheeeet you're back! Lol hope you been doing good dude. Also I have my wooden spoon….lol jk
Love the attitude, stick it to Bungie for not getting it right I'm with you all the way.
Keep them coming🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
Awesome vid. As usual.
i was let down when i saw the one that grants bonus to next melee be only active for a few seconds after picking up the well. if you could have that single use buff to melee on standby ready to use when you'd be ready it could have been of use. as it is now the time it takes to stage a useful instance of this mod is not worth the investment of mod space, effort and time. shame really cause there are a few exotics that could seen some lime light with this one but for that one serious design flaw
06.25 don't you just hate it when those fuckers teleport and your rocket completely missed 😠😂😂