The Synthoceps Are AMAZING On Behemoth Titan.. Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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The Synthoceps Shiver Strike 2 hit melee combo is pretty damn good, but is it top tier?

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32 thoughts on “The Synthoceps Are AMAZING On Behemoth Titan.. Destiny 2 Beyond Light”

  1. I really love the videos, but the clickbait headlines and graphics are starting to get all Linus Tech Tips/Sypher PK/100 Thieves…bro, you're waaaay better than that shit.

  2. I only use synthoceps with stasis (since stasis came out) and bottom tree solar, in pvp it is the best for these 2 supers…

    I would highly recommend whoever is a main titan to use bottom tree solar with synthoceps, use them when the melee ability is full, you will love it

  3. Honestly, I've been using Synthoceps since the start of behemoth and it's insane. Easy melee clean up kills especially if you're shotgunning but I'm messing around with the heart of inmost light and I'm loving at how fast I get my abilities back

  4. Raise your hand if you knew already…because you hadn't taken them off in years and forgot they were on. And I don't know about catching them by surprise. I think everything is a surprise to the average pvper.

    Good show as always man.

  5. In my experience, the instant melee combo works even without synthos. So I just run around insta killing guardians in the crucible while also rocking dunemarchers 😉😏

  6. One thing DFP doesn't explicitly tell you but you may notice from way back regardless of synthoceps is how he melees the players. One melee, jump and then second melee. When you jump right after a melee, the player is less likely to see/hit you

  7. 0:29 How do you change the button to break out of ice from spamming the key to holding it? I mostly play warlock and immediately casting my rift after breaking out of ice has resulted in me dying way too many times

  8. If you havnt tried it sheikh, stasis titans actually pairs pretty well with acd feed back fences. Like you said a good player will melee you back before they fly off, but acd’s will not only protect you but also detonate in their face killing them anyway! Its super fun. 😆


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