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Hey guys what is up In this video I’m going to be showing you guys a Exotic Engram Prime Engram Farm Method in destiny 2 beyond light !
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hecticplays,hectic playz,HecticPlayz,hectic plays,exotic engram farming,exotic,exotic engram,prime,prime engram,destiny 2 exotic farm,destiny 2 exotic farming,exotic to get exotics,loot cave,destiny 2,destiny 2 farm,destiny 2 loot cave,destiny 2 best exotic farm,destiny 2 how to get prime engrams fast,prime engram farm,destiny 2 exotic farm season of the worthy,Season of arrivals
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destiny 2,destiny 2 beyond light,destiny 2 exotic farming,Hawkmoon trailer,hawkmoon quest,hawkmoon quest guide,hawkmoon perk,Exotic quest,New quest,Hecticplays,hectic plays,Destiny 2 zur,Hawkmoon release date,confirmed hawkmoon,hawkmoon news,Live event destiny,hawkmoon,Hawkmoon exotic,hawkmoon exotic quest,Hawkmoon perk,Hawk moon meta,destiny 2 best exotic farm,destiny 2 exotic farm,prime engram farm,destiny 2 farm,destiny 2 how to get exotics
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Hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks for watching ! Community discord –
Instead of using a slug could you use the whisper? If you dont have a slug
🤔 💭
Hey kinda early
I've said it before.. he's going places this lad.. Clever.. efficient… And most of all clear guidelines.. Alot of older streamers fail at doing this.. Well done bro 👌
My best farming loction.Very good place 👌👌
how do you get the golden unbroken tag?
Great Video! Thanks.
How old are you hectic
I've just used the sunshot handcannon doing this 😂 mad results.. If you return to orbit then go sorrows harbor to repeat the barrier champion will respawn it seems.. Not had an exotic yet but good engram drops.. Just gotta keep at it.. Farm fast like he says 👌👌👌
Quick question, how much exotics have you gotten with this farm?
This guy is going to get big one day he is way smarter then most people on this game
Uh- It gave me a quest instead of an exotic and in the feed thing (I don't know what to call it) it said that I found"Uh… What's this?" or something like that, did I do something wrong?