Solo Your 100k Ordeal Nightfall Pinnacle Reward – Broodhold (Platinum) – Destiny 2 (Beyond Light)

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A Video Showing Solo Your 100k Ordeal Nightfall Pinnacle Reward – Broodhold (Platinum) – Destiny 2 (Beyond Light) – Season Of The Hunt

Video Includes:
Solo 100k Ordeal Nightfall
Platinum Rank
Commentary Aided Run
PS5 Footage

Nightfall Mods:
Anti Barrier/Unstoppable Champions
Equipment Locked
Match Game
Void/Environmental Damage Increased

Build: Warlock
Voidwalker Bottom Tree
Healing Rift
Exotic Boots Transversive Steps
Vortex Grenade

First In Last Out
The Lament (Exotic Sword)

Armor Mods:
Sword Ammo Perks
Charged Up
Lucent Blade
Unstoppable Shotgun
Concussive Dampener
Spoils Of War
Shield Break Charge

Overall this nightfall is a fun one with a sword running through at a steady pace.
This is leaning more to a time trial nightfall with 100k being a tightish run without a good setup on. I believe this is the best setup devour + lament sword and a unstoppable shotgun pairs very nicely. Frees up your kinetic to anything you wish.

Enjoy 🙂



29 thoughts on “Solo Your 100k Ordeal Nightfall Pinnacle Reward – Broodhold (Platinum) – Destiny 2 (Beyond Light)”

  1. Very impressive as usual bud, proves how much knowledge/research goes into making the vids with the spawns and mechanics, using them to your advantage.
    Im surprised you dont have more subs, you deserve it

  2. Amazing run. I love these videos where ur talking and explaining nothing can beat that!! Thanks a lot! I can’t wait to completely copy the build and strat right now!! Wish me luck!! ❤️❤️🔥🔥

  3. Genius, concise and informative video as they always are, i went in with warlock top tree dawn, sunbracers, splash damage mod, rage, seraph revolver, beloved and lament. You can be so creative in the endgame, shame people miss that part of it. You outta invest in a higher quality mic though 🙂

  4. We usually farm that last worm-champion until we get to 100k and then melt the boss, we're finding it more reliable than rushing all the NF and then trying to survive all the spawns at the arena. But I love that unstoppable shotgun!! Do you think you can solo the 100k on double primary + lament as well? Thinking of seraph hc and arc pulse..

  5. You are a madman! Get a better catch phrase for the end of your vids ok? Don’t want to tell you what to do, you know I appreciate your work. You deserve to succeed, just putting ideas out there.

  6. Mondo, once again, cool info! I did not know the ads keep spawning. I'm helping my grandson get his light level up so may bring him with. Yes, Lament is great, and watching you use it taught me doesn't have to spin it up as much as I am.

  7. Very helpful with alot of information
    I did it like 5 or 6 times on legend and couldn't get the 100k score so I ended up doing it on master but it was a hell of a boss fight.
    Keep up the good work, cheers 🥂

  8. Great video, and thank you for this channel. Your tips are responsible for helping me with my solo flawless dungeon clears and other solo adventures. Honestly this is the best destiny channel to help a solo player improve and progress their skills.

  9. At the barrier champ right before the boss fight, The problem wasn’t that you were revving too far away, it’s because you ran out of sword energy. It doesn’t break shields when the heavy attack bar has no charge on it. That’s why sometimes it feels weird when you’re fighting something with it and it starts to miss swings and start putting out grey numbers, it’s the heavy bar. It took me a while to figure out why it would just act different and weird all of the sudden but yea it’s just because it’s counter intuitive to a normal sword. When you’re swinging light with a normal sword your gaining heavy attack energy but with lament revved up your light attacks drain the energy.

  10. Follow the guide, but once you get to the boss room, kill the anti-barrier knight then drop the worm off the edge and repeat (this will make another champ spawn without having to wait the 30s for the worm to explode)


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