Solo Legend Lost Sector Exodus Garden 2A (Warlock Guide) [Destiny 2 Beyond Light]

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Destiny 2 Beyond Light – Solo Legend Lost Sector Exodus Garden 2A Hunter Guide / How To Solo Legendary Lost Sector Exodus Garden 2A Easy Guide / 1250 Solo Lost Sector Exodus Garden 2A. Just a quick video showing a solo clear of the newly added Legend Lost Sector, clearing all of the Champions on a Warlock. Doing it as a solo clear has an increased chance for exotic drops.

This time running what I think is the best build for it: Voidwalker (as per usual). It works incredibly well with the Void Damage Increase, allowing you to run both weapons with Champion mods and not miss out on any damage. Dropped my power level again to show this working easily while being significantly under level.

How to unlock the Legend Lost Sector or Master Lost Sector / how to make them appear: They rotate each day, one legend and one master. Whatever one was legend one day will turn to master the following day. You have to have cleared them on the normal version first before they appear, and that has to be on the character you’re playing.

These can all be done using the same strategies from anywhere around 40 power below. Obviously, the higher you are the better you’ll do. But these are all fairly safe approaches to get them done. I’ll also revisit all of these on Master later on, but for now I just want to get all of the Legend ones up as that’s what people will use most for their own reference. Here’s a Master version of this one at 60 power under for those interested though:

PC setup:
MSI MPG Z490 Mobo, i9-10900k CPU, RTX 2080 Super GPU, 64GB DDR4 3200 C16 Ram, 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, 8TB HDD

Keybindings can be seen here:


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26 thoughts on “Solo Legend Lost Sector Exodus Garden 2A (Warlock Guide) [Destiny 2 Beyond Light]”

  1. Yo I know it’s not relevant to the video but have you seen the interactive statue in Braytech Exoscience? It’s in the first room on the left in the room where you commune to the stasis thing. It’s a little bronze statue on the desk that looks like Banshee. Didn’t know what it was for but maybe you wouldβ™₯️

  2. Great Video man even the time is amazing curios hows you time with Max Level gear got my First Try 7.12 with this Video, fastes time was 4.19 griding for gut Contraverse since i only have the Xur one from season 9 i think never dropped for me.. Keep the Content up Eso u just amazing big love from Germany

  3. Esoterickk is beast of a player, because even at 1230 and nearly all the same weapons and mods, this shit was still giving me pure fuckery levels of hell. I have yet to beat this sector to hopefully get the necrotic grips exotics. I feel like Bungie like in everything they do, overdid it on the challenge scaling. We all don't play at esoterickk's level and don't have the time to grind out all the damn weapons and mods to get thru this shit.

    Git gud is not a point of contention in the gripe I'm laying out. I think this is just pure BDSM on Bungie's part. Solo Legend, should not have had locked equipment, only the master version of these lost sectors where a guaranteed loot drop on solo should be given.


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