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Destiny 2 Beyond Light – Solo Legend Lost Sector Exodus Garden 2A Hunter Guide / How To Solo Legendary Lost Sector Exodus Garden 2A Easy Guide / 1250 Solo Lost Sector Exodus Garden 2A. Just a quick video showing a solo clear of the newly added Legend Lost Sector, clearing all of the Champions on a Hunter. Doing it as a solo clear has an increased chance for exotic drops.
I think any other Void Rocket would be better than this one. Although it’s probably because I used that one to drop my overall power a little bit, so the damage of it was lacking. The main idea of the run still works though. The section before the boss with the Barrier & Overload Champion is tricky because the enemies teleport on top of you. So just be careful with that and you should be fine. Stasis grenades are also terrible for dealing with Overload Champions in some senses, mainly because it actually heals them when you keep stunning them. But it does keep them locked down so there’s the added benefit of that.
How to unlock the Legend Lost Sector or Master Lost Sector / how to make them appear: They rotate each day, one legend and one master. Whatever one was legend one day will turn to master the following day. You have to have cleared them on the normal version first before they appear, and that has to be on the character you’re playing.
These can all be done using the same strategies from anywhere around 40 power below. Obviously, the higher you are the better you’ll do. But these are all fairly safe approaches to get them done. I’ll also revisit all of these on Master later on, but for now I just want to get all of the Legend ones up as that’s what people will use most for their own reference. Here’s a Master version of this one at 60 power under for those interested though:
PC setup:
MSI MPG Z490 Mobo, i9-10900k CPU, RTX 2080 Super GPU, 64GB DDR4 3200 C16 Ram, 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, 8TB HDD
Keybindings can be seen here:
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1:13 Servitor be like : Not Today Son…
so TIL titans are the only class with only one fragment slot?? wtf kinda bullshit bruh
I recommend erianas vow for this as a option
Nice job on this hunter guide, I’m going to try it out today
I've no fucking idea, I struggle in the legend and this fucker does this damage in the master, fuck it
I don't play D2 to become a godlike player that can do any fucking thing Solo, but y'all seem so happy, soooo merry torture
Damn, Beyond Light really has Esoterickk pumping out these vids huh
I'm loving it
I tried to do this solo on my hunter which is 1210 I got to the room before boss and died
Can you still get charged with light mods?
Will you do a master lost sector guide?
You can do it in like 3 minutes if you are above 1250
Nice job! Keep it up man!
which lost sector is the helmet at today?
Good job using stasis in high end content, need more build variety in stasis other than light subclass.
You can run this pretty quick (my fastest was a bit under 5 miuntes) when you're around 1250 just using some usual suspects: I ran Cold Denial with anti-barrier Pulse, a Gnawing Hunger with Overload, and an Anarchy. Revenant subclass, with Thermal Overload and Surge Eater, lets you spam grenades around the Overload Captains. just stick the big servitor with Anarchy a few times and he dies.
it’s dope how the new raid will be in space
I'm confused how he keeps disrupting the champions with his coldsnap grenade. Can anyone clear this up for me?
This is very important but can anybody tell if this lost sector can give me the hunter exotic
Boots stompee-5
Good on you for using two tailed.
Nice run and vid but how can you do damage when the powerlevel of your guns are more then 50 below the power level requirements for the sector?
I always thought the enemies are immune if your gun is >=50 below the level of the activity or did they change that?
Thermal Overload doesn't seem to work for me literally having the same stuff equipped, and Surge Eater doesn't restore my nade when I break the servitors shield.. did they disable it or something? It just doesn't seem to do anything
Maybe trials of Osiris, solo flawless speed run?
gets a single enhancement core
jeez, Esoterickk is having a field day with the legend lost sectors
How do I unlock it?
Too bad the overload champions never stop healing for me no matter how much I stun them
What weapons do you have and how can I get them
At 1231 I’m struggling with the last barrier shank (nvm the captain afterward) at 22 minutes. And this bastard at 1235 shreds the boss in under 8 minutes. Wtf even is this 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Anyone else having loads of trouble with the overloads, I’m using both overload nade mods and an overload auto but the fella just keeps regening health whilst stunned
pleaseeeee do another guide today since the champion heals even when frozen
How is your grenade coming back right away ?
Now that it's out, would using the Lament be a valid option against the barrier champions since it heals you as well?
And wouldn't using Duskfield grenades be better since they can stunlock overload champions?
Can’t even complete this anyone else had the same problem where the f ing overload captain would just teleport away from your grenade?
You think I could pull this off 1212?
Thats lokey ass you only get one enchantment core like at least 5????
Did not realized, you have to finish it till 15 minutes. We killed each other with the main Boss at the end, game puts me right to the start of the sector !!! 30 seconds left, me running like crazy through the empty sector. All enemies ( except Boss ) around the loot chest. Like 5 seconds left. They killed me by opening lol 😀 The game thankfully registered the opening. I got exotic !! Great ? Not really. Instead of Mask of Bakris I got the stupid gauntlets with second knife bounce. Did not check properly todays rotation. Useless for me. P. S. 1 My loadout was: Cold Denial, Gnawing Hunger, Falling Guillotine, top void Hunter. P.S. 2 Got it today from the second lost sector 😉 Mask of Bakris is the best hunter exotic !
I got 0 drops in four runs not even 1 enhancement core
Lament worked well for me