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Destiny 2 Beyond Light – Solo Crypt Security Raid Encounter After Patch – Deep Stone Crypt Raid / Solo First Encounter Crypt Security / How To Solo Crypt Security / Solo Crypt Security. Just a quick video showing my solo clear of the Crypt Security in the new Deep Stone Crypt Raid, being done after they patched all the out of maps. Details below.
This is a strategy I’ve been messing around with since they originally patched the out of maps, however I didn’t put a huge amount of time in as it’s a heavy RNG fight which I never really enjoy. But I figured it’s finally time to get it done before Outriders comes out next week, or more accurately they randomly decide to patch the joining allies.
First is how to open the doors in the two rooms at the start. For whatever reason, when you go to the closed door that’s next to the Operator room, it can either open early or spawn enemies and eventually open the door when you clear them all. This was something I accidentally discovered when testing out ways to remove the guessing below, and using the Salvation’s Grip breach last season in the two rooms. When going to breach the door just opened itself. I’m unsure what the criteria is for making the door open vs spawning all the enemies and then opening, but it consistently gives you a way to move between the two rooms. It was just way faster to guess and go out of map if you were wrong before, so it was pointless. At the time I even found the sparrow cancelling the fire trick, but that too ended up being pointless and something very niche to use.
Next is being able to use Scanner to see some of the correct targets during DPS phase. This was another thing I was testing out for the original solo to remove the RNG during DPS, but unfortunately only dark left and dark middle can be seen consistently from above. You can also kind of see what seems to be lighting reflections for some of the tubes on the light side, but that’s only in third person and far too specific placement to make it viable while surrounded by enemies. As you could hit everything except light left and light middle before (without Chaos Reach), this was also pretty redundant at the time.
Finally is being able to use Joining Allies with a finisher. I originally saw this used in the 2 man clears from Schendzie, but I believe this is the first video to use the strategy – so full credit to them:
Basically if you use a finisher on an enemy and don’t move it will put you into Joining Allies. The joining allies can be cancelled if you’re pushed by an enemy, if you spawn or detonate a Warmind Cell, if you do it on elevated ground, or if you move. So basically just make sure you use it on an enemy with nothing else around and don’t move. I used the Gladiator’s Bladerush finisher for this, I’m unsure if it’s only limited to certain ones though.
Putting all that together allows you to get the solo clear without the out of map method from before. The DPS phase is still heavily RNG based, but having to guess only 4 instead of 6 makes it a 1 in 24 chance vs a 1 in 720 chance, which ends up being much more manageable.
Even so, this probably took me around 150 attempts of guessing incorrectly for all of those, and finally I got the right RNG for this one. Hence why I never really bothered with this, as I tend to have terrible luck when it comes to pure RNG challenges. I did some attempts with this strategy right after it was originally patched, but most of the attempts were recent to get it done in case they patch the joining allies. Happy enough to get it done though, even if it’s just another RNG encounter at the end of the day.
PC setup:
MSI MPG Z490 Mobo, i9-10900k CPU, RTX 2080 Super GPU, 64GB DDR4 3200 C16 Ram, 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, 8TB HDD
Keybindings can be seen here:
Thank you so much for your support!
The finishing glitch does not work with all finishers I have only tested it with a couple and some work and others don't. Does not seem to be any obvious reason why some work and other don't.
That finisher is still breaking the game
Is it possible on a titan? I would assume so
What's the Joining Allies deal, though? Is that an exploit or something?
how do you know what pillar destroy ?
And I know this doesn’t relate to this video but your solo prophecy dungeon video how come all the enemies on pc can’t hit ya but on console everything and their mom are on xgames mode I swear
Details in the description for how this all works
When I saw the "Joining allies" coming out of nowhere I was like "What in the name of Bracus Zavala!?" Then I read the description and I see it's another glitch. Thanks Bungo! xD
bungie patching the raid glitches for the 7th time.
Eso after 10 min: Solo raid security after patch
Bom trabalho 😁
Man literally too angry to lose
Eso already solo'ed Witchqueen raid, bungie just has him under NDA till dlc drops lol.
What in the actual fuck is going on
The bladerush cannot be stopped
Wait is this the worlds first time anyone has done it solo?
bungo are gonna ban you if you keep doing this bro-
Esoterickk can you still get the 2nd dsc chest solo?
Every week this man blows my mind.
Hay Eso I know you probably get this a lot but I really do think a voice over tutorial of everything you do would go a long way in helping everyone out? Just a thought, and keep up the good work dude your awesome 👍
I'm so sorry bungie. So sorry you had to see that.🤣
"Humanoid life forms", huh. This is a literal God approaching.
Heavy Rng or a set dps rotation?
Or you could just find an LFG
150 Attempts!?! Dam what a grind
Ok but what is his class setup?
Damn, honestly I wasn't impressed with the previous clear as it had a lot of out of bounds movement. Now I am impressed, seeing it's almost a glitchless completetion
Why did you go with bastion? Wouldn't Blasphemer be a good choice?
Props to you eso for doing over 100 attempts to get this solo done, you are the guardian Zavala was talking about
Round of applause for you, your fuckin amazing
150 attempts holy shit dude!!!
Pile of shit person. Enabling lazy fucks to get things through exploits. People like you are a cancer on this game