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In this video I show off quite a few glitches allowing you to do the Atraks-1 encounter solo in The Deep Stone Crypt in Destiny 2. Firstly you’ll want to practice using Salvation’s Grip similarly to how I did to clip through the wall. for me a run would look like this; Rally, go to space, using the seasonal armor mod paired with the High Energy Fire mod I void melee an ad to proc Charged with Light for the damage boost from High Energy Fire, next I clip through the wall using the Salvation’s Grip (ideally fast and with as little ammo as possible) once you’re through the door switch to Lament and run to the captain and hit him with all you’ve got. In this video I used a top tree void Warlock with a grenade based build, First in Last Out with Vorpal, the best Heretige roll I had so far and The Lament (Note that Lament is bugged currently so that even with no heavy ammo if you jump and right click or jump and heavy you will still do damage as if it had ammo.) Another note is that doing a 2 man strats Divinity and Tractor Cannon seem to apply their debuffs to the OOB Captain but not the in bounds boss.
This isn’t as easy as it looks by any means, don’t be discouraged!
Thanks for checking out my video, subs help a ton!
Im the ultimate titan
free weapons boiz
Did anyone else see the lament combo activate with no ammo? I saw at 2:00
Sword has been patched so now u can't use the sword like that. Should have post it earlier