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Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen – New Zavala, Caiatl & Crow Cutscene After Proving Ground Strike – Uldren Revealed To Zavala Cutscene. Just a quick video showing the new cutscene after you complete the Proving Ground strike. Destiny 2 Beyond Light during Season of the Chosen today.
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MSI MPG Z490 Mobo, i9-10900k CPU, RTX 2080 Super GPU, 64GB DDR4 3200 C16 Ram, 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, 8TB HDD
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I enjoy crow and look forward to his interactions with those at the tower, but there will be a time were we have to tell him the truth. The WHOLE truth. That'll be interesting and a gut-wrencher.
I just realized that they basically made Traveler Cages for Ghosts
Im very slow
Why is the ghost just hanging out? After Cayde you'd think the guardians would be a bit more careful about just having their ghost just floating there.
0:58 god I wish that were me
I think Calus is salty we sided with Caiatl.
Damnit Uldren I thought I killed you
So what happened to calus and the leviathan
Is it just me or is there a boxing bell in the background when Caitl obliterates that psi on?
Lady with a boomerang on her head
Dammmn…why can’t she slam me like that?
Complete and utter shock he didn’t say anything
These cutscenes always happen after 3 weeks of me getting bored and playing other games 😭 thank you YouTube for getting me caught up without actually logging into the game 👍
"I didn't order this!"
My response every time I use ubereats or doordash
Honestly our character should have been in that cutscene we are the ones who are The Chosen!!! Crow and Zavala didn't do f**** s***!!!
Yeah they are chosen to be slackers…
What is this GameStop? The people who do all the work don't get credit for anything that they accomplished and management gets everything
So what did crow do to his ghost? Can guardians fix dying ghosts?
“Caiatl smash!” Bet the psion bones instantly shattered from the impact and plus the floor was pure steel xD imagine if that was a finisher for the future
Since Zavala saw crow face does that mean spider going self destruct crow ghost ? If I’m correct he did mention in the season of the hunt that he would blow it up if he got near the tower or Zavala
People gotta stop taking out their ghosts, no one learned from Cayde
Nah it’s still fuck Uldren forever
What sountrack is played before it shoots the ghost?
He murdered cayde but guess we over that
So whens our turn for peace?
Can't wait till new players won't have any idea this stuff was in the game.
I was low key kinda hoping that zavala was gonna kill uldrin. I miss Cayde. A lot. May his light burn forever bright.
Thoughts of who was behind the attack? Or still some Caiatl plan to gain his trust?
Why the fuck am i still getting recommended videos of this dead game
ALRIGHT Uldren I hope we don't lose you for a second time buddy when ikora finds out hahah
Its crow, wake up people
Caital is a wwe fan. Tell me I’m wrong 😑
So Zavala didn't know that it was uldren?
Ghosts should really just stay out of sight lol
Bullshit if ikora was there she would be kicking his ass bullshit