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Thanks for watching my how to get Deathbringer video, the Deathbringer is a pretty cool gun I saw the Deathbringer the first time doing the Menagerie, and the Deathbringer had these rockets that turned into mini missiles, and that was the coolest thing i’ve ever seen. Since then I’ve been on the quest to get the Deathbringer. The Deathbringer isnt really a grinder like jotunn but it will take a long time to get the Deathbringer so I advise you to do some of these quest steps with your friend because your going to need it. If you have another way to get the Deathbringer faster than comment down below because i’m interested. Well I hope y’all enjoyed my how to get Deathbringer video and i will see y’all next video.
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Snapchat: Ninerollie
Keep up the good work my dude👌👌👌