Mask of Bakris is NEXT LEVEL (The Stasis Counter) | Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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Mask of Bakris is the new Hunter Exotic for Beyond Light. Today we’ll be reviewing the exotic perk Light Shift and how it performs inside of PVE and PVP. Overall …


23 thoughts on “Mask of Bakris is NEXT LEVEL (The Stasis Counter) | Destiny 2 Beyond Light”

  1. I think its not bad only with shotguns. 21sec is tooooo long and that one kill advantage does not cost that much. B tier is the highest I can put it. Wormhusk, stompeez and dragon shadow will dominate.

  2. I think it boosts arc weapons because you’re getting the fallen captain blink, and they typically use arc weapons and have arc shields. I think its supposed to fit in with the thematic of becoming a fallen captain

  3. I love being slideshot felwintered and the guy immediately teleports backwards in an instant about 30 meters away. Just another exotic to add to the list of Hunter crutch, right next to StompEEs and Wormhusk.

  4. I use it on Xbox. Extremely addicting, but u better be making sure u dont have to turn more than like 70 degrees at the end of it. I play in 9 sensitivity, and if there’s more than 2 people, or you have to turn farther than they do, you end up embarrassing yourself big time. Biggest thing is having space to end up a few feet to the side of them where their melee cant track you, and making sure you orient your camera towards them as much as you can at the very end of the shift. Haven’t mastered by a long shot, but every time i dodge a grenade or escape a super, or surprise flank some people with any given gun, i enjoy some of the purest laughter i have ever let out

    Edit: narrow hallways are most difficult because you can bump the person or a wall and completely ruin the shift


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