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They say DFP can only use Chaperone…
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U mean using slugs is harder to use than a sniper, a sniper is harder to use than a consistent shotgun.
The slug I am trying to use is the First In, Last Out with rolls that is meant to headshot by hipfire. Still trying to get use to it while snipers is a bit easier, but still decently hard to get use to unlike Mindbenders and Bows.
“User friendly” lmao! Sniping in destiny is baby friendly
"Sniping is very… user friendly"
ooof, u didn't have to do us like that XD
F the haters would love to have you as a teammate in comp
TLW snipe on pc w/controller is almost cheating anyway lol
I unfortunately dont have last word, but when i heard bungie is adding a kiosk in the tower to aquire quest exotics that the content was put in the DCV once beyond light comes out, i may have to give it a whirl, i will have to see how it feels on M&K (im terrible with a controller)
Bruh if you got a gun that you really love in this game just keep using it. If people call it spam(because guns obviously have more moves that you can use right?)then fuck em they got plenty of other broken shit they can complain about lol
Checkmate haters
You are a one trick pony lol
I use my long goodbye sniper more then anything got that long to mid zoom snipers better get ready for some long zoom scopes cuz bungie Gettin rid of those short zoom scopes get that practice people lol
Lol but come on, last word on controller is easy as hell, I think ppl mean you just crutch, if you wanna display skill use something that takes skill to slay with lol
You do you Sheik, no need to justify yourself! Whatever keeps the daily vids flowing! Cheers
You shotgun cause sniping is boring for you when there is a gun in devrim key hand no land beyond !!!!
Love the content as always Sheikh
Should get gernader Jake drewsky for the controller trials weekend
Xim gives the controller players a bad reputation you never know if the player in front of you is using the controller or just the aim assist.
Back of the map Gary Hard Scope Harry 😂 You need to make a shirt off that shit bud 😂 I’ll buy that 😎
Hunter on pc is way different from controller
What the hell are you doing? Sniper takes no skill, im pretty sure you cant shotgunning with a chaperone
PvP is still the wart on Destinys ass!
Sniping a skill in destiny 2 lolololol..
Sniping in this game isn’t hard I don’t know why people think it is
Dude, that was just fun to watch. You could go in with a potato gun and rule.
"you only use chaperone"
you say that as if its a bad thing, he could be using LoW or mountaintop to dunk you.
I love how new players are so paranoid about cheaters that they forget theres built in wall hacks on armour and sub classes
I don’t like using snipers either.
People who get mad about you using a shotty obviously get their shit pushed in by shotty apes day after day. Sniping on console is so damn easy I feel dirty doing it honestly
I dont know what people are talking about, you been sniping since D1, chaperone is literally a sniper.
People who said you can only shogun 👁👄👁.
You're a lier. Your turn speed is too high. I am an avid controller PC player and you're turning too fast. The max setting is 10. That looks like an aimbot on min settings and reWasd if you're actually using a controller. Stop lying to your viewers.
Yah i usually report people in trials only to notice after that they use controller on pc. Since some of the people in trials are twitch users I can look at them later… I wish there were kill cam just like in overwatch or csgo or practically in any other fps game. And please bungo, idk how but please seperate the controler users vs keyboard users. Idk how can this be figured. Since bungo dont even care about hackers
Ok ok but when will we get a Tex Mechanica sniper hmm? Also me approving of DFP 1 shot bodying with weapons of light + high impact as I stand in my well/empowering rift doing the exact same.
U are extremely good with chap I can’t even hit half the shots u can
Greatest compliment I ever received in D2 was just a couple days ago when a team mate in solo survival accused me of cheating.
I was like blushing and typing "me? You really think so? Thank you so much! You're the nicest person I've ever played with!"
Pretty sure they thought I was trolling and cheating
All these years later and simps keep running into your bubble.
You were already using a sniper the old baby chapy is literally a sniper
I use the Tex Ornament on my Last Word because it makes the barrel longer for farther range
The music is so fire that I wanna know about it!
Yo, I don't even watch Sheikh very often but who the hell dares to say that a gamer plays his preferred playstyle "too often" or has "no skill" in what that other person likes.
Meh nothing in this game is "skilled" or "hard" I miss the OG Halo days now those days were some days to be proud of, imo I think they added to much shit in fps games, bloom,AA "bullet magnetism" it's just in my opinion gotten to be to much, sometimes less is more.
The constant gloating of “sniping isn’t hard” ok mr take advantage of pc and controller aim assist. Sure, of course it’s not hard when it does the aiming for you and the players are less sentient than a snail
Hello, Geneva Convention? Yeah, this post right here
Just got reported for using Last Word/Lion Rampants on controller. In air hipfire gets people pretty salty, lol