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Hawkmoon is coming back to Destiny 2 in the new Beyond Light DLC!
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Well its not time to come back yet, hawkmoon lost its luck in the chamber and holding aces, even when they stacked in a single bullet, I thought it was fine, I mean an exotic doing exotic things you can't defend against is what I want from all exotics in pvp and pve.
Thank god Hawkmoon is back it was the first exotic I got and my favorite exotic that I ever played with in destiny history. This brings me back to the my good ole hawkmoon and twilight garrison days
That’s not Hawkmoon if it doesn’t have the random damage!
Half baked 😂
Yeah thorn is a good example. It's pretty different
they literaly brought ace back with a whole new/different perk.
also fourth horseman
They said "acquire and reacquire, if you will" and they said that the randomness will be moved to some other area other than damage. I think its gonna have some different random rolls
My thought when I watched the gdx thing was what you said: bonus damage in air but also bonus range and icarus. Maybe a brief hover ability as well
Hardlight had them just add in the ability to change the element of it by holding reload.
Crimson and red death?
Nah I definitely don’t see it coming back as a 110. Most likely a 140 but from what I can remember I thought it felt like a 150
Many exotics that came from D1 to D2 were changed. Red Death came back as Crimson. Helm of Inmost light came back as heart of inmost light. Transversive steps came back a little different but better IMO
Hawkmoon is not coming back. A gun that looks like Hawkmoon is coming.
Im a D2 player so its good to bring weapons from D1, i know they're old weapons but for me are new
Khepris sting is a completely different exotic compared to its d1 version only similarity is that it gets its perk to proc off melee
Hawkmoon is back and hawkmoon returning.. 2 different things here mate
My prediction is it’s gonna be a 140 that can 2 head 1 body
Im honestly worried for the quest. These exotic quests as of late have been sucking.
I don’t want this back tbh
Truth came out with maybe only half of the tracking that it had d1
7:26 thorn
Ace of spades
The last word
Monte Carlo
Queen breakers bow
The list goes on
what if they made it that theres a chance for body shot to do headshot damage which would be crazy good but not breaking the game too much
I know the feeling Mtashed. When I saw Hawkmoon my cousins and siblings who play Destiny with me looked at me and watched as I cried right there. That hand cannon gave me life in D1, and never came off my character unless a boss needed Wolfpack treatment.
Hopefully hawkmoon will be a meta hand cannon, really wanna see touch of malice come back
Give it the OG Magnificent Howl perk
Yes people are against exotics coming back leave hawkmoon, hawkmoon. Bring a exotic back that we all wanted to be amazing but it was trash. No Land Beyond comes to mind. Underwhelming exotic, but dammit those headshots were crispy when you got one.
Ace is still the best imo. LW is a close 2nd
Maybe a new version of rapid hit: landing critical hits increases reload AND damage for a short duration… that would be cool
Yo, where's icebreaker. 😂
They are removing the luck chamber but I heard they are add some luck factor but it’s not luck??
Why does hawkmoon get no damage when the gun was based off damage and ace gets 90 damage and thorn can 2 tap??
Why would you think they would change the rpm. He said they want to bring back classics in RPM hand cannons like thorn being a 150 and last word being 225 and hawkmoon being a 140. They won’t change the rpm of hawkmoon. Now removing the luck in the chamber and holding aces is bad because that’s removing the main part of hawkmoon. It’s like remove the DOT of thorn…
I know this is late but LETSS GOOOOOOOOOO
I can bet that if they brought back Hawkmoon with LitC and Holding Aces, someone's gonna develop a hack so that all the bullets will constantly stack on the first shot. So shoot once, get a kill, reload, do it again and since it's all RNG it could genuinely happen to someone.
nop it's a reskin XD
I personally think Hawkmoon should be left in Destiny 1 If they want to remove the one perk that was actually unique to the gun (Holding Aces) because without that perk it is not Hawkmoon. By the way it was only a 1 tap in PvP at times cause of a bug that made Luck in the Chamber and Holding Aces prock at the same time however that bug was fixed at at some point during year 1 before the Xbox players got the weapon
Hawkmoon is a awesome hand cannon