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I know you're back on console now, but I got accurized rounds, killing wind, rampage raid HC it feels so good on console…especially on that 3 tap
PS bungie HAS to do something about the other classes for titan. I feel like I'm running or sliding thru mud if I play anything but stasis in crucible…bottom tree sunbreaker I think onlything viable to counter stasis area control
What's the intros music tho. Shit smacks
Love how you show us how it’s done.
Trials of Fun Police is back, nice! Happy Holidays, Guardians.
What is the second song man
I need boyfriend 💋💋💋💋💋💞💞💞💞
I’ve been waiting so long for this video
Its like he already knows whats gonna happen in some clips
Mate, did you play on ps4?
Too clean
Incredible work DFP !! Merry Christmas !!
The power of the darkness is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be…unnatural
What was the scout he was using? And can you still get it?
Niiiice Bro 💪💪
You mastered the path of darkness, Lord Sith….I wish I could play like that…. Your scout action motivates me to use them more.
Ah, good ol chaperone once again ladies and gentlemen. They just don't know what to do, lmao.
Mans is like vergil rn
"Power. Give me more POWER!"
The lunge range on Shiver Strike still amazes me.
I’m something of a Chaperone user myself
This gameplay right here is why I've put off doing my Titan campaign and finishing getting stasis for that toon.. I won't want to play anything else (I'm a hunter main normally with Titan being 2nd favorite).
Its cool sheikh. Glad you're havin fun bro
At 2:45 you can see the amazing hit registration of destiny lol
YOO whet do you think about royal chase dfp my boi
Bruh how do you get so much hang time and then hitting them with your melee ? When I do mine it’s like a dash and then nothing 😔
6:20 POV: You tried to use Shiverstrike at close range
09:55 – me getting the cleanup to seal my first ever trip to the lighthouse
Ahh a man of taste I see, DFP-chan.
The least we see some Defender plays besides all Stasis here.
Yesssssss finally!!
Holy fuck the ppl you play against are so bad it’d be easy to go flawless going against players like that lmao lucky
Trials of fun police finally makes its comeback, and it's "cooler" than ever!
Your music is always so great and on point with the feeling of your videos.
One of the few players I enjoy watching,. You’re not a dick. Was fun watching you and Chibi.
You are actually goated at this game on controller show me the way master
wanna see people get destroyed in trials? Watch this video!
Wait I thought you said that 180 scout sucks??? You're using it in trials 😂 just giving you shit. Merry Xmas
How does his melee reaches so far out?
The music in this video is quite beautiful. I swear I could cry listening to this (at least the first half anyway). The second half was epic AF.
How do you say broken in any other language
More music like that! So epic sounding. I need w.e instrumental piece that is in my life
DFP I would love to run trials with u if anyone would like to my psn is gian_so_saucy
Great gameplay! I wonder why more you tubers don’t edit around the ads like that?