Drew's Rants: TWAB Sandbox Update & Stability Changes | Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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I thought I’d start doing a “thoughts/opinions” series that embraces the fact that I’m bad at collecting my thoughts, and leads me to ranting a lot. So here it is, me ranting about the changes in the most recent TWAB in Destiny 2 Beyond Light. Thanks!


30 thoughts on “Drew's Rants: TWAB Sandbox Update & Stability Changes | Destiny 2 Beyond Light”

  1. I don't like the changes at all to recoil/stability. Console players have been asking for AGES to have their Stability reduced to be closer to KB and Mouse, because it makes the overall experience BETTER….and what do they do instead??? Nerf the beautiful feel of Stability on M&K. Thats some B.S. it's like a big F**k You to the player base. Pure BS Bungie. To answer the aim assist advantage – REDUCE AIM ASSIST. It's far too generous ANYWAYS. It actually makes snipers too powerful. So reduce Aim Assist across the board, and give controllers less recoil!!! BOOM, FIXED.

  2. After hearing this about recoil I think it could be a good idea but the only way to tell is when it comes out. As a mnk player I have noticed that a higher stability/stability perk like elemental capacitor w/void subclass weapon does feel better than having a weapon without it

  3. I think pc should get it even worse. Or there should be an option to not match pc players. I don’t want to play against pc players. We will all get stomped. Mouse and keyboard will always be superior.

  4. I personally would have preferred they buffed controller controller recoil and nerf aim assist over all
    Edit: Or just less aim assist over all and the changes they've done xD

  5. Love all the posts with the vicarious visions vid of them saying the way recoil is built the way it is so the game would feel good, then Luke smith agreeing with it

    Just for this to happen a few years down the line

  6. There's already recoil on PC with M&K. Not a lot, but it's enough I'm running out of vertical space on my mouse mat when I use a 120 in PVE. If they add too much recoil, I will have to lift off and re-center multiple times mid gun fight. I'm already doing that enough. I think they should have reduced recoil on Controller, and lowered the "reticle stickyness" aspect of aim assist. I came from console, and I've always felt the tracking/stickyness aspect of aim assist using a controller was way overdone to the point the gunplay doesn't feel as good as it could.
    There's really no reason Bungie should be adding recoil on PC unless they are forcing cross-play. There should be an option to "opt in/out".

    The GL "buff" is not a buff. It's a nerf to the fun play style. GLs are fun to use because they can be bounced and ricochet around corners for some unique kills. Now, every GL will be Mountaintop. I hope they at least don't change Fighting Lion.

  7. the problem is there's limited mouse pad space, and you don't wanna have to lift the mouse up repeatedly to try and combat recoil.
    making the weapons bounce around on screen more or something like that for MKB would have been infinitely better and not a stupid change imo.
    edit: Aim smoothing needs to be able to be turned off for controller users, as well as the other stupid options they have for aiming that make it less consistent (like aim acceleration)

  8. Wait a minute, if GLs explode on impact doesn't that just buff GLs in close quarters? Like a big problem with GLs currently is that they sit in this spot in medium-range where they're bad to use in close quarters because of the necessary arm time, so shotguns shat on a GL in close quarters.

    Now it seems like FL's big weakness of being unable to compete in close quarters and long range is covered completely with only a sniper and a Lion. Wow, Snipe Lion mains rejoice then.

  9. You’re 100% correct to me the stability shouldn’t just be a pointless stat. IMO there should be no difference in recoil between the 2 inputs, and I play M&K. Controller gets reticle friction and M&K provides much faster and more accurate controls. I don’t see why anyone thinks M&K should have less recoil. The FOV is by far the most problematic part of recoil, so I think as more people get there hands on the new generation console it will slowly become less of an issue.

  10. I do think the recoil change is a good idea but I do thing buffing controller recoil & stability could also be a great idea. Yeah It would make pvp easier but remember, this game is not competitive or a pvp main game. At the end of the day it's still a game we all play for fun & enjoyment.

  11. I personally think the change to MaK is a reasonable and inevitable one. Simply because it resulted in multiple weapon not preforming as intended. The fact that cross play is coming sooner rather then later is probably a major factor in why this was done here and now but it’s still something that needed to happen eventually.

  12. Can we just make both mnk and controller have the same recoil. Make everything on mnk have 20% less instead of 40% less and make controller have 20% less than what it is currently. Then make aim assist consistent across the board too, closer to d1 levels.

  13. I understand why PC players are mad, but at the same time I see this as a much needed fix. The game should reward skill in gunplay, and making guns take more skill to hit your shots isn’t a bad thing.

    There’s a reason why people call PC D2 as “point and click adventure game”, and it’s because there’s basically no need to control the recoil because it’s essentially nonexistent. Now PC player will actually have to, oh God, invest into the stability stat!


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