DOUBLE NIGHTFALL DROPS!! | Destiny 2 Beyond Light Season of the Hunt

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Today I will be showing off the weekly reset for this week. The headline for the week would be the double nightfall ordeal drops. This will last a week for all modes. It is a great way to farm for enhancement materials. However this week’s nightfall is a pretty long one. So higher scores will be more difficult.

Hey what is going on everybody. My name is Cjd. This is my channel! I prioritize gaming. Mainly Destiny 2 but I do content of other games occasionally. I hope to make that more frequent as we go on. However for now I do Destiny 2 Weapon Reviews, Masterwork Guides, Weekly update videos for reset, trials, and xur. As well as Event Guides. Am looking to do other Destiny 2 content. Maybe even live streams. If you guys enjoy my content a like and sub would mean a lot to me. This is a crazy grind to grow this channel, i hope you’ll join for the ride.


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