Did I Find the BEST Sniper in Beyond Light?

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I just found the best sniper for pvp in Destiny 2 Beyond Light. It’s snappy, responsive, and has exceptional hit registration.

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38 thoughts on “Did I Find the BEST Sniper in Beyond Light?”

  1. unfortunately with sunsetting, Bungie has taken out a vast majoirty of all of the god-rolls i have worked hard to get (feels terrible). I've gone ahead and shredded most of them cause i cant use them in light enabled content. Bungie has, in my opinion, driven themselves into a corner cause the consumer friendly option would be to allow sunset rolls to be updated to the next sunset season if they allowed the new releases to "update" the sunsetting date. But since I dont EVER expect they will do that I might as well shred them. Knowing Bungie they'll allow for that in the future which will only piss off ppl who have been playing for a while because they'll say "why didnt you do this earlier?" to which Bungie will simply shrug and never say anything.

    I love the game but honestly some things frustrate me and Sunsetting is among the top 3. Bungie only REALLY needed to sunset the more problematic pinnacle weapons (recluse and mountaintop imo). But instead they chose to (again) go with the blanket option which time and time again has required them to either roll back a change or introduce another change to meet the problem they created.

  2. Cloudstrike has without a doubt been my favorite sniper of the season, but I can definitely echo the shots not registering bit. Some shots I know for a fact should have been hits and they just disappear into the ether. REALLY wondering how my Alone as a God is going to feel now…

  3. For me, the Ikelos sniper has felt pretty dang nice. I got some pretty nasty snipes with it at close range. Wish we had more snipers that weren't sunset though.

  4. This makes so much more Sense now, I remeber playing trials a few weeks back in a 2 v 1 on the last round of the games, I hit a clear headshot on a guy because he kept peek shorting me and I had shot to burn on him. My 2 teammates where watching me hit him in the head and did zero damage and lost the game because I couldn’t get down for a 1v1. I mainly snipe on console because I can’t play on higher sensitivity’s and I got really good with them but now they are so inconsistent to where I can hit someone in the chin now and I get body shot damage or no damage at all sometimes

  5. I love Soul Survivor. Mine has snapshot and slideshot with a handling masterwork. I took most of 2020 off Destiny 2 but somehow managed to still be in the top 1% time played. I’m thinking about coming back. I haven’t even seen Beyond Light content so maybe I should give D2 another go and avoid the constant toxicity on the D2 forums. Thanks for your input TV. You are appreciated. 💠👍🏽✌🏽

  6. Good thing Bungie didn't increase vault space so we all had to dismantle our sunset loot to make space for new things….. it's ridiculous they refuse to increase space, despite valuting a large portion of the game so I don't see why they couldn't. But because of that most of us that are always sitting at like 499 have deleted these weapons because they weren't our favorite b4 Beyond Light and now we're stuck not being able to reaquire it, even the curated roll despite it being a static roll. And then they didn't even replace close to half what we lost to sunsetting meaning we didn't have to dismantle everything most of us did.

  7. Can’t agree more, I always loved the feel and consistency of Sole S and found it was overwhelmingly vaulted perhaps because Beloved and Revoker were on everyone’s loadout for obvious reasons. But glad to see your appreciation for it. Thanks, TV.

  8. Trials sucks to be honest,not rewarding enough and the servers make it annoying,it’s full of cheaters still,even on console,shit last time I went in I got DDoS’d,only worth doing for fun and not for loot. I’m sure those are the main reasons for people actively avoiding trials

  9. Completely agree with your current assessment of snipers in PVP. They generally feel weak, slow and unresponsive in this season since the nerfs.

    I think half of the problem is the super aggressive meta that's been engineered by bungie, with stasis abilities, shotguns etc. And with 120's being so powerful and meta, they're challenging the sniper lanes at the moment. And if you don't have a snappy, responsive and consistent sniper at the moment you can't challenge those lanes.

  10. I dont like how the most effective sniper you found was sunset and not attainable. In my opinion, in the hunt for the best sniper, sunset weapons should not be considered because they need to be viable in all activities…. not just quick play.


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