Destiny 2 STORY RECAP for Beyond Light! | Destiny 2 Lore Myelin Games

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Welcome back to the latest Destiny 2 lore episode, in today’s Destiny 2 lore episode we are summarising everything you need to know before BEYOND LIGHT! Destiny 2 Story recap.

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Story RECAP you need before Beyond Light | Destiny 2 Lore Myelin Games

Introduction 0:00
Chapter 1 The light and the darkness 1:55
Chapter 2 The Pyramid Ships 5:45
Chapter 3 Shadowkeep Summary 9:20
Chapter 4 Season of Arrivals 13:32
Chapter 5 Beyond Light characters 17:11
Chapter 6 Deep stone crypt 21:59


27 thoughts on “Destiny 2 STORY RECAP for Beyond Light! | Destiny 2 Lore Myelin Games”

  1. The Light and Darkness remind me of the gods of Law and Chaos in Michael Moorcock's novels. Absolute Law is stagnation and absolute Chaos is never ending mutation. A balance of both is better than either dominating. Seems like we (our Guardian) are the catalyst for balance, using both light and darkness powers where required.

    Perhaps i'm utterly wrong, and one side or the other are "evil"…but i'm still not convinced that the Traveller is the good guy in this. Think on how the Traveller abandoned the Eliksni, thus destroying their society, then moved on to Earth to possibly do it all over again. Is humanity destined to become the Fallen 2.0 if the Traveller decides to cut and run?

    I feel like the Traveller isn't so much our ally as it's using us as pawns in a reality spanning, eternity encompassing chess match with the Darkness. It looks to me like the Traveller has decided to make a stand on Earth, and Guardians are it's conscripted soldiers, bought back to fight for it, while the Pyramid ships seem to be offering a choice. The Traveller offers Guardians no such choice, it simply brings them into being and expects them to lay their lives down over and over again in it's service.

    Which seems the more "evil" to you?

  2. Thank you so much. A lot has happened in my crumb of a life and the heavy depression that was spawned from having a few family members dieing in a short amount of time really sucked away my hype for Destiny…Among many things. Not saying it cured my depression or healed the wounds of love ones being cut out of my life but your video really reminded me of how much there is to get lost in with Destiny. Gonna go read my two grimoire anthology books while I wait for the servers to come back online. Just wanted to say thanks.

  3. Do you think the Darkness wants us to join it because we are paracausal beings? Something that didn’t exist before but is now here? Since the Darkness wants things to go back to how they were with the light and itself following the pattern do you think it wants to use us to find a way to put the pattern back in order?

  4. 6:50
    Alternatively, it may be that there is no Darkness and Light to begin with, both having come into existence as the universe did, where one being hijacks the universal tendency towards chaos and survival (The Light) and the other the universal tendency to entropy (The Darkness). I find it'd be pretty interesting if we found out that the Pyramid ships literally are the Darkness, because the Darkness doesn't actually control what it says it does. Note the references to 'play', like children – what's the say the Light and the Dark aren't children pretending to rule the world?

  5. So this dlc, made me realize the fallen have mothers and fathers like it never occurred to me that we are killing families and legions of sons and daughters. This dlc has me question everything, including if the darkness is really evil.

  6. I have been with destiny since the taken king… That said im a shoot stuff kinda player.

    I do raids grind Nightfalls and im full on nerd mode with min/maxing my loadout.

    I rarely pay attention to what the NPCs are even saying in the game let alone why I'm even shooting shit. Its always just been fun.

    Obviously I picked up a little along my journey but I am always lost when my clan is talking.

    Lately I have finally decided to figure out what this game I love is all about. Maybe it was this whole darkness at our doorsteps expansion.

    Anyway a clan mate sent me your channel -> subbed and will be bing watching while I shoot shit.


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