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NEW Destiny 2 Beyond Light LIVE Reveal, Stasis in Depth & World Premiere Gameplay (Gamescom Opening Night Live)
FULL Official Stream
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God these destiny vets really hate new light players.
Love names, but the gameplay is going to be SOOOOOOOO TOXIC
Edit) Titans look like 1800's war amputees, and I absolutely hate it
Titan is underwhelming and seems to be ice arc slam.
just over 5mins in I genuinely thought they had taken Destiny to Unreal Engine… I was super hyped for about 2 seconds… poop… Then I thought it was a Starfield trailer and get disappointed…. lol -what a roller coaster… so its icy time – nothing amazing for me tbh – more hoping we get not a big but, a HUGE planet to explore since we lost sooooo much – this replacement better be more than worth our losses…. Hope raid is something decent too like on the scale of kings fall… Who else thinks some of those so called new enemies look like mini version of the SotP Boss… lol… dang Bungo not stretching enemies to make bosses bs but, now shrinking bosses to make enemies… *sighs… Also… still got reckoning… really… *palmface…
I can’t believe you tried to bait us and make us watch 2 hours of nonsense but leave the destiny title on here. Ridiculous.
Yea I’m kinda worried for pvp with the freezing abilities
Houndish is the man. Also, check my out my new Destiny montage.
Looks and sounds good
Lol I'm rewatching this and it started in 360 p. Cheers drinking a yuengling oktoberfest beer 🍻
Icy blade barrage, icy bottom tree dawn, icy fist of havoc beyond light is on
D2 looks whack. Nothing new or interesting beside new subclasses
Big Bungie Bait! I'm glad I forgot it was happening, and just saw the trailer on the Destiny YT channel.
A whole lot of nothing. We're still a couple months away from release , I don't know what I was expecting XD
thx for covering it anyway
Of course titans are the dumbest as they were in forsaken
whats the point of having a 2 hour streamif you are just going to focus in destiny? Sorry houndish, but i cant watch this for 2 hours. Im just gonna go watch the regular one.
Remember crucible?
What’s that?
So not good enough
Wow I feel so bad for all the content creators who had to wait 2 hours for that. That trailer honestly made me less hyped than I was before I saw it. Very disappointing. Thanks houndish for all you do tho
Gee the new power looks soooooo cool and I am so excited and I did not watch the whole stream but still love the videos
I cant hear nothing
What i think? (not that it matters) Its going to be beyond light indeed
Man i wish bungie showed more, im not really a fan of how stasis looks or plays. Im going in for new deatinations and story, hopefully some cool new weaponry
Fall guys needs to be on xbox. Makes me sad. I only play destiny but would definitely play this game 100%
How many new levels? 1 raid? 60 bucks +. Nah waiting till December. Cyberpunk 4sure.
Are they deleting all the other sub classes? 😳
Wait what September 22nd
Not buying it. Bungie has fucked me over for the last time.
Looking good
You seriously called someone DUDE 108 times (approx) you do know you are calling people a camels penis right? Because that is what a dude is. Try a new word please.
Not gunna lie this was fucking dreadful. Good vid by you though
Wow. Stretching the video to 10 mins are you?
That was not worth the 2 hour wait!
Man Houndish I absolutely love your commentary on this stream, I have had a couple of lol moments but there's more to come I can tell, Thank you
Thats it ? Stasis and a watered-down Hawkmoon , more smoke and mirrors instead of substance and improved game play same old bungie.
YouTube unsubscribed me from your channel for the third time this summer. Tired of YouTube's incompetence.
Watch my video of destiny on my ytchannel
Watch my video of DESTINY on my YTCHANNEL
Oh boy, after a week of playing the excitement will end. You’ll all be playing a small little game, ooh.
I don't like these cinematic gameplay trailers that Bungie and a lot of others do. It'd be nice to see a portion of a strike where it swaps perspectives of the fireteam members. Not the entire strike, but just a section to really see the gameplay feel.
Expansion is not what this is, when you remove half the game it is new download content. Expansion means growth, if anything, it is a reduction.
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