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BEST pulse RIFLES in Destiny 2! Best Season 12, Fall DLC, Best PVP Pulse Rifle, Best PVE Pulse Rifle! Overall Best Weapons for Beyond Light & Year 4, How To Get & God Roll Guide!
00:00 – Intro
01:03 – Sacred Provenance
03:00 – Last Perdition
05:17 – Jian 7 Rifle
07:00 – Infinite Paths 8
08:30 – Cold Denial
10:48 – Outro
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#Destiny2 #PulseRifles #BeyondLight
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We're BACK! This time, with Pulse Rifles. There are some hidden gems in this one, did you manage to hold onto them? <3
pulse rifles are irrelevant
2 words:
Outbreak Perfected.
I've never run GoS, but I know I need a Sacred Provenance to replace my Blast Furnace. I'm gonna miss it so much. 🥺
How did you get stasis gameplay?
The cold denial slaps in the crucible my favorite one to bring when i play it
I have the infinite paths 8 with demolition and Zen moment
Lincoln green! Where is lincoln green? And what is the skin you have on at 7:02 ?
Ooh another one… nice
Im new to your stream I discovered your stream on YouTube, while looking for a pulse guide type video . Im really enjoying the pulse rifles especially my Black Armoury Pulse rifle with aggressive frame with Rampage and kill cliip, I love the look of it and the sound. I was wondering if pulse rifles would be good for the new expansion, considering that there are around 4 mods for pulse rifles in the artifact, same as there is for hand cannons. Great video,
Chatterbone !!!!!
My fav pvp pulse is chattering bone, 450rpm, opening shot and rampage, great gun.
So I have a question for the players I have seen a lot of these videos about what weapons you need to get before beyond light so does this mean everyone is not expecting a lot of new legendary weapons coming with beyond light?? I dont really use the exotics because a lot of them are trash I know a few legendary weapons are being added but do bungie really think its okay not to add a lot of new weapons to a so called expansion if there is nothing to chase then what content will there actually be besides 4 strikes a few story missions and a raid. But without weapons nothing will ne there to chase.
My Man, U got me shuffling thru my vault for this pulse rifle. Not to correct u, but Infinite Paths sunsets at 1060. Wish it did got to 1260. Fkin Monster!!
What is that shader on the sacred provenance
Infinite Path 8 has some superb perk combos.
What shaders does he use to get the gold and white?
Interesting channel despite the clickbait titles like MUST HAVE or GET THIS NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LAAAAATE or tops in general
I have last predition with moving target and Auto Firing System. This gun makes me happy in PvP.
Chattering bone is still my favorite pulse. Thanks for the video.
I wish Infinite Paths was better tbh!
If you like Strangers rifle then like
or no time to explain dislike
And if you wanted the "new"one to be named fate of all fools then get out
This is a poll to find what name you prefer
I got my infinite paths 8 from the forge on mercury so I'm confused as to why he says we can't get it anymore
Great vid mate, thank you! Also thank you for time stamps.
I have a cold denial with small bore ricochet rounds zen moment swashbuckler
Am I the only one who despises British accents?
I'm seeking a cold denial with arrowhead/ricochet/zen/eye of strorm with stability mw then counterbalance mod for 100 recoil direction. I have one with chambered compensator/ricochet/zen/eye and handling mw with counterbalance so its at 98 so not my perfect by very close. My last perdition with 57 highlight/ricochet/moving/zen and stability with counterbalance is my goto crucible every day with charged with light mods.
As as always thank you for the video.
Hey no offense but if this is a list for beyond light dont you think you shouldnt put 1060 capped weapons in there
What is the shader on the sacred providence 1:11?
My Cold Denial with Arrowhead/Ricochet/FF/MKC/Stability MW is a laser, and I love the SPO-57 Front sight on Last Perdition, it helps me pick up targets I can’t otherwise quickly spot. Thanks for the video!
I have found that the Cold Denial hits like a wet noodle since I've started trying it out. I've got a bunch of different rolls for it, but it always feels a bit lacking when I use it.
I'm surprised you didn't put chattering bone. It's a fun pulse rifle.
Sorry… there are good pulse rifles but none of them are insane.
Chatering bone? Literally my fav weapon
These are some pretty bad rolls you got