Destiny 2 Beyond Light | Trials Of Osiris Loot Sucks

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Seriously I’m getting tired of reskins. This has been going on for years and the player base is drying up because of it. You guys need to do better


2 thoughts on “Destiny 2 Beyond Light | Trials Of Osiris Loot Sucks”

  1. I'm more worried about fighting lion then the new gl. Mountain top that spawns with 9 shots and gives quickdraw to your primary weapon. I do like the flip down old western styled handcannons are my favorite model old fashioned is a example but I agree that not all can be reskins. Most new weapons should be new models. I think sunsetting was implemented incorrectly and need to be fix or removed

  2. Beyond Light is the first expansion I haven't bought in the history of Destiny. I will not be buying the season pass either. I just can not give my hard earned money anynore into a developer that clearly lacks the resources, drive, or vision to respect their devoted playerbase.

    They have always sunset/reissued/reskinned gear, even going back to D1. The difference then was, they had YEARS of already developed content which they decided to cut up and sell to us over 3 years rather than release the majority all at once, per whatever directive caused them to make that decision. So they had a lot of content/gear in the bank to drip feed to us over that time.

    Plus they had the financial backing of Activision and supporting studios (eg Vicarious Visions) who helped develop a lot of content.

    Hell, even D2 launched with cut content that was originally supposed to be in D1 (wardcliff coil was originally called dubious volley and was teased before D1 even released, that's just one small example…)

    Since D2's release, the BEST content they've offered (Forsaken, Menagerie) has been with the help of other studios. I'm not knocking Bungie for this, it's just reality.

    Since the split with Activision right before Shadowkeep and loss of support from other studios to help in development, D2 has been a soulless hamster wheel of regurgitated garbage, bounties, reissued D1 weapons, etc etc.

    Rather than bring the game to a respectable close (while they work on their new IP) Bungie is going to milk every last dollar that they can out of their loyal consumers who love the gunplay too much to quit LOL and continue to pay for soulless grindfest uninspired content and make purchases at the Eververse store which is only funding Bungie's other projects, not D2, IMO.

    And just as they left D1 in the dust to rot along with it's loyal players (many of which still play D1), at the end, they will do the same thing to D2. And all of the years of time investment and passion and criticisms players/content creators committed to D2 will be for naught as they have drained all the money they can from you like a parasitic tick and will abandon the game and move to the next fresh blood cash cow project.

    God damn I sound cynical 🤣 I don't mean to be, I'll always love Destiny and some of the memories I made, but after 7 years of this shit, I just can't be bothered with optimism anymore.. anyway with a brain cell should see the writing on the wall by now.


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