Wow oh I love it so much Sai !!! The vast icy soundscape starting from the bare melody and the opening up with the varying sections marked with the different keys (I think) makes me think of blocks of glaciers moving … and then the sparse bare melody ending – you capture the mood and landscape . I enjoy your performances so much! 👏👏👏😌💞
Grande como siempre, y muy buen tema el que elegiste , sigue asi.
soooo beautiful!love it!太美了!!!
gibli gibli gibli!!i want gibli!!!
Fantastic video, I liked this one a lot my friend. Keep up the incredible work and I hope to see more! 🙂
This is awesome! Reflection is one of my favorite orbit tracks as well!
I'd love to hear you cover Athanasia or Hidden Truth next. 🙂
very cool video keep it up man
Wow oh I love it so much Sai !!! The vast icy soundscape starting from the bare melody and the opening up with the varying sections marked with the different keys (I think) makes me think of blocks of glaciers moving … and then the sparse bare melody ending – you capture the mood and landscape . I enjoy your performances so much! 👏👏👏😌💞
Amazing melody! Love It!💯🔥🤜🏿🎶🤛🏿+1 sub