This could only be for the game menu where you can see your trophies and such, maybe not the actual start screen. There is no way they would pass up on another opportunity to go BWAAAAAAA in our face again
I hope that if the vanguard ever disbands we get a season called "Season of the Broken" featuring this song. That's the kind of emotion this song derives: the sense of disbandment and crumbling of the world of destiny.
I see a lot of people calling this image the title screen, but it looks way more like the splash screen. Especially since the splash screens so far have been about the seasons and Hunt seems to be in the Dreaming City/Tangled Shore.
I'm calling it! the splash art is the traveller all broken open because during the current event there's metal that looks exactly the same as the top right of the art
How crazy would it be if the traveler went to the tangled shore!
Is that the tangled shore?
Sounds like Mick Gordon new track
we'll find out if thats gonna be the destiny 2 beyond light screen in 2 days so no worries
Getting Batman Arkham Knight vibes from this ngl
Is that the Traveller?
What a nice title screen!
I waa the 666th like. 666 likes and 6 dislikes. Darkness is truly here.
Pretty underwhelming title screen score compared to previous expansions
New Title Music YEEEES? Listen to it, or you die..
YIKES, Bring back Marty o Donell, this theme is extra boring…
i really wasn't a huge fan of shadowkeep's theme music from the last year, so any change is a welcome change.
this is the best music that they could've chosen for me to listen to for the next year whenever I boot up this game
Sad thats not the music i have expected
This is trash compared to the music in the reveal trailer. The song itself is alright but it doesn't fit for the title screen at all.
What is that planet?
Xivu’s war moon?
I need drop for this
I could listen to this for hours
This could only be for the game menu where you can see your trophies and such, maybe not the actual start screen. There is no way they would pass up on another opportunity to go BWAAAAAAA in our face again
This makes me so happy you have no idea 💚
Better than Shadowkeep, but will never top Forsaken
The halo arc in the background reminds me of the one we see in the tangled shore. And the one in the sky of the Dreaming City.
No one will notice this comment but this isn't the title screen theme. Come attack me if it isn't.
This is awesome! Thank you Ginsor!
Is that the title screen too??
I hope that if the vanguard ever disbands we get a season called "Season of the Broken" featuring this song. That's the kind of emotion this song derives: the sense of disbandment and crumbling of the world of destiny.
This can't be the title screen. Every title screen soundtrack has this unique Destiny theme in the beginning.
Don't mind me guys just on my way to betray a floating white testicle for some chocolate doritos
I seriously hope there's plenty of content
I’m having a heart attack
This is awesome, but remember whether we like it or no, we’ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars
Pretty neat, ngl
Please keep big data mined spoilers away
Why does the very beginning sound just like houndish's intro
So the outer circles look similar to the ones in the Dreaming City Skybox. The thing is the middle looks most like Drifter's ball ship.
That starting beat is fucking lit honestly. I'm so excited for the OST.
I see a lot of people calling this image the title screen, but it looks way more like the splash screen. Especially since the splash screens so far have been about the seasons and Hunt seems to be in the Dreaming City/Tangled Shore.
Hans Zimmermann did a Great Job on this ❤️
Why can I hear “Alright alright alright” very lower followed by “Cabal of the Field” in this song?
Its an ok theme 😐
I was so hoping we would move away from the dark, depressing mood music for the splash screen.
The Awoken gateway… ?
The whole OST is on iTunes now. They always get it first!
Imma gonna get the soundtrack dor beyond light lol. Such good music
I honestly though the music was going to be invasive species
Wow. Crazy that this wasn't the title screen theme. I thought Ginsor extracted this from the PS4 preload files.
I'm calling it! the splash art is the traveller all broken open because during the current event there's metal that looks exactly the same as the top right of the art
Why you troll us?
It's no more blinding me with light, cause the darkness showed up