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It’s time to look at where you’ve been and to understand where your road leads. As your journey continues, you will carry the Light into the Darkness and see how much farther there is to go. Eyes up, Guardian – Darkness is here, and a new era is nigh.”
The frontier of Europa holds many lost secrets from the past, including the dark power of Stasis. Work with the mysterious Exo Stranger to harness this new power before Eramis, the Kell of Darkness, bestows it on her Fallen forces. Grow your arsenal, command Stasis, and go beyond the Light.
Buy Beyond Light:
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Dive into the free-to-play world of Destiny 2 to experience responsive first-person shooter combat, explore the mysteries of our solar system, and unleash elemental abilities against powerful enemies. Create your Guardian and collect unique weapons, armor, and gear to customize your look and playstyle. Experience Destiny 2’s cinematic story alone or with friends, join other Guardians for challenging co-op missions, or compete against them in a variety of PvP modes.
aye yo bruh did i just see a darkness ghost
Music – The Rolling Stones 🥳
That is the second time I see a Activision game trailer using “Paint it Black”
The first being COD Black Ops 3.
I get it , everybody is a frostmage now
Payed 50 dollars for you to remove a large chunk of the game and add 2 more hours of a story and recycle something from the old game …….. Garbage
A dark rectangle!??
eris morn looks cool af
70 dollars for a broken subclass, a few story missions, and 1 "new" purple weapon for each category, all so you can go back to the same tired strike and gambit grind… no thnx, good job bailing on sunsetting too, i enjoyed gettng a mountaintop and not having to do the quest
🎼 🎜 🥶 🔴 🚪 🙴 👁 👇 🚪 🖌 🖤 🎝 🎼
… wait… what was I saying?
Destiny is one of those games that when you play the game it actually feels like the trailer, and i love it
i am the only one who hears: Roling Stones – "painted Black" ???
I think the worst part is that even though I’ve purchased the game, every new DLC costs money I don’t actually have. Guess I’ll go watch Cayde die again in foresaken
GG lapino
is that paint it black remix
Who else heard the Melody Paint it black?
Beyond light yeah it’s lackluster. No new pvp maps no new modes. Seriously no vendor refresh? Like I get not a vendor refresh every season but a fall expansion having no new vanguard weapons no new crucible weapons, no world loot pool refresh. No cosmodrome weapons at all except chaperone which we already had. Are you kidding me bungie? At the very least you guys could have brought back D1 legendary weapons… example hung jury… stuff like that. Literally bring back old vanguard crucible and iron banner weapons I would be fine with that. This is absolutely ridiculous. Bungie needs to hire more people if they can’t keep up with the content. They make enough money and can afford it. This is crazy every single expansion they take more and more away. 5 exotic weapons 2 which are brought back from D1. Not to mention the guns are all lackluster mainly salvations grip. 🤦♂️ I get they don’t have activision but this expansion is highway robbery. It’s literally ten dollars away from a new game!!! I would have been happy with 3 new weapons for each vendor. You can’t sunset all these weapons and then add hardly any!!!! You guys literally have so many old guns from D1 and clearly you have no issue bringing stuff from D1 over. You add this new stupid vendor to cosmodrome and literally give him no loot like nothing.
That's the same song used in the Black ops 3 reveal trailer
All hail Sebastian Böhm!
Where is the RED WAR?
I recommended the story to my friend, but I can't see it.
Me who doesen't know anything about the series and game: pretty niceee
Was the fish ghost even in the game
After i changes i saw to Destiny 2 PvP and other things, I hate the game so much to the point where i don't even want to hop I with my clan to do a raid. (This is coming from someone who plays this on playstation, just so you know)
I honestly think it isn't even fair anymore, there's twice as many shotgun apes and now they can freeze you in place so you don't stand a chance.
I'm not trying to brag but, I got revoker with a some what broken controller and before beyond light sniping was challenging but fun, but now you cant even peek a corner without getting shot, frozen, or killed by another a sniper.
PvE: PvE is mostly fine (because your fighting against AI) but it is frustrating how you cant grab anything from the variks without beyond light.
Raids: I haven't done any raids yet but I imagine there isn't much of a difference
This game is absolute garbage im happy to not own Beyond Light. Stasis has ruined the game, I get a tie in a pvp match the other team gets a point, my punches wont register 60% of the time, and This new pay to win Is unacceptable. You've disappointed me Bungie, and to top it all off all the most interesting stuff is in the Eververse shop which is very money hungry. I've given destiny so many chances and Beyond Light is more like a Beyond BS expansion…
I see a red door and I wanted painted black
I feel bad for ppl who don't know what is going on. This game blows