Destiny 2: Beyond Light – Its Time To Embraces The Darkness 1080p

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Destiny 2: Beyond Light Its Time To Embraces The Darkness, recorded on PC at 1080p. No Commentary

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is a major expansion for Destiny 2, a first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie. Players travel to Jupiter’s icy moon Europa to confront the Fallen Kell Eramis, who plans to use the power of the Darkness to save her people and take revenge on the Traveler back on Earth, as she and many Fallen believe that the Traveler had abandoned them before the Golden Age of humanity. The player’s Guardian also obtains this new Darkness-based power as a subclass called Stasis, which also features new abilities. The expansion sees the return of the Exo Stranger from the original Destiny’s campaign, as well as Variks from the original game’s House of Wolves expansion, both of which guides the Guardian on Europa.


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