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Here is the BEST NEW SHOTGUN IN DESTINY 2!!!! This shotgun has just launched with Beyond light and in todays video i go over the best rolls and my thougts on the weapon and why i think its the best new shotgun in Destiny 2.
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Lo-fi Type Beat – ‘You’re never around
Background Music For Videos[No Copyright Music] Chill LoFi Hip-Hop Beat FREE (Copyright Free) Music By LAKEY INSPIRED
What did you guys think of the Shotgun???
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I like the shotgun. I was using it today during some strikes. It’s pretty fun.
I love how it looks like the d1 shotgun. I forget the name..
I got this weapon but for some reason it got deleted. It's in my collections and said I've discovered it but I never actually got it. It's not in postmaster, vault, anything. WTF
I Did 2 Strikes With The Ghost Legendary Drops Increase Perk, 1st Time Got Nothing, Second Time, 2 Dropped!
Prophet of Doom has something to say about this video….
Wdym the shotgun is dog poo only hitmarkers point blank
No quickdraw, nothing for me
Thanks for the video!
How can you care about the roll you get and the grind it takes to get the weapon when it's only going to get sunset and be worthless in the future?
Got graverobber one two punch with small bore or full coke with range masterwork
i got it on my first couple of days in beyond light and in pvp its kinda a stinker
boy oh boy in pve it is a monster
Conspiracy theory shotty d1 reskin nice!
I run surplus and demolitionist, usually 4 kills and i have my grenade back
sadly no quick draw
This has t dropped one time for me. Put in 10 hours at least
Whats poppin jimbo
This guy sounds like houndish with a voice mogalater
i got this and i didn’t even know lol
I’ve played about 250 gambit matches and haven’t got this ever so I’m not sure if I’m the most unlucky person on the planet
This shot gun is straight ass, dont waste your time, get the cqc its simply better for pvp and pve
This with slideshot and cryoclasm + dunes 😳
In my opinion I like this better than seventh seraph
This gun has no place in the meta and is kinda garbi compared to seventh seraph plus the warmine cells
I hate apers. Most annoying style of play to go against. Reminds me of grenade launchers in early cod games.
I have not had 1 to drop in gambit or crucible and ive only gotten 1 from strikes since the dlc launched, weird drop rate I thought they removed the gun haha
Watched this is 2x speed and still felt like it was slow as fuck
I got the exact roll slideshot and unrelenting with rifled barrel and range masterwork, and got rid of it, an hour ago👽👽💀👽👽
I’ve gotten 12 just completing vanguard bounty’s
My god roll that I'm trying to get is full choke, assault mag, autoloading holster, and one two punch. Over 50 strikes in, and I've gotten every one of those perks besides one two punch. The game hates me
I did yesterday 20 runs and today 30 runs and I not have my personal god perk